Page 139 of Taming the CEO

"No, I just like touching you. I couldn't help myself." Then he took his hand out, zipping up my coat again.

I pouted, turning sideways and looking at him. "I liked that."

"Come on, let’s walk the rest of the trail."

I was surprised that they let us inside. There were several machines on either side of the trail; however, we were careful every step of the way until we reached my tree.

"It's even prettier than I remember."

"You're cute."

I looked up at the majestic crown, sighing.

Maddox whispered in my ear, "I love you, Cami. So damn much." His voice was different than it had been just minutes before, now rough and full of emotion.

I turned around slowly and smiled, brushing away a few rebel strands of hair from my face. Then he took my hands in his and started tugging me downward.

No, wait, he wasn't tugging. He was just going down on one knee.

I opened my mouth to ask if he was losing his balance, but then I realized this was something else altogether.

"Cami," he murmured, and I detected even more emotion than before, even in just those two syllables. He kissed both my hands, taking a deep breath before resting his cheek against them. Then he straightened up, looking at me.

"You're so damn perfect," he said. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his. The other was in the pocket of his coat.

I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt like I was in a movie, watching all of this happen to someone else.

He took his hand from his pocket, opening a velvet box. My heart nearly jumped out of my chest. I was looking at the most beautiful ring in the entire world. I also knew exactly who'd made it.

So Miriam knew about this. I didn't think I could love this man even more, but I did. I knew how much this meant to my best friend.

"Cami," Maddox began, "I love you, babe, and my life has been incredible since I've met you."

"Even though I made your life a bit difficult when we first met?" I challenged.

"Maybe because of that. You're exactly what I needed—I just wasn't aware of it. You and I are meant to be, Cami. I want to ask you to be my wife here, surrounded by this place that means so much to you. I promise to preserve it for you, for us, and for the next generation."

I squeezed his hand as tears prickled at my eyes.

"I want us to build a home together. You and I are forever. Will you marry me?" he asked, his own eyes glassy.

"Of course I will! I can marry you right now if you want."

"Babe, don't tempt me," he said as he put on my ring. "Your dad wouldn’t forgive us if he doesn’t walk you to the altar."

I whispered, "You told Dad?"

"Yes. He also gave me something for you," he said.

He reached into his other pocket and took out a small box. Then he rose to his feet, opening it. I looked at a gorgeous butterfly-shaped pendant. It was quite obviously silver with tiny red stones.

Maddox cleared his throat. "He said he'd bought this to give your mom on their twenty-fifth anniversary." Now my tears were falling in earnest. "And he would like you to have it as a gift from both of us."

I looked up at him and he cupped my face, leaning in and kissing the corner of my mouth.

"Thank you," I murmured, "for loving me just the way I am." He'd accepted me with all my quirks. "We're strong together."

"So fucking strong," he replied. "Want me to put the pendant on you?"