Crap, I thought she wasn’t looking.
"No, no. Don't start that," Leo said.
Cami frowned. "You knew what they were silently talking about?"
Nick nodded. "Yeah, we both do. That's a skill you pick up in the family after some time. Helps you not just survive but thrive."
"I'm very confused," Cami said.
"See, we have to explain," Natalie said. She looked like she was fighting laughter. "When Maddox first said Jeannie was going to Essex, I warned him that she had matchmaking on her mind again, and I was right.”
Leo and Nick both grinned, and Gran started to laugh. "Natalie, you were my very first. Of course you’d recognize the signs. Although, I thought I’d become subtler since then."
"You have," Leo said as if he was analyzing business skills. "But we're very good at reading you, Gran.”
“But don't worry, my dears," Gran said, looking straight at Nick and Leo. "I'll be incredibly subtle when it comes to each of you so that you won't even be able to tell."
"Yeah, see, that's exactly what we are worrying about," Nick said.
Leo just shook his head. "Gran, what even gave you the idea that we want to walk in our brothers' footsteps?"
“None of us did. And yet look at us.” I kissed the side of Cami's hand, pulling her closer to me. I couldn't get enough of her: her smile, her perfume, feeling her against me. I loved having her here with my family. I'd never known that life could feel this way.
Leo and Nick looked at me as if I was a traitor.
"I can see we're not going to win this battle," Nick said.
"It isn't a battle, though," Leo pointed out.
"It's just a difference of opinion," Gran interjected.
"Oh." Leo narrowed his eyes. "All right, you know what? Let's not spend the entire Thanksgiving dinner talking about this.”
His phone beeped. He looked at it and then glanced at me and Nick. That was our signal that Mom was calling.
"Right," he said to the table. "I need to take this. It's Mom. I'll be right back."
There was a small ripple around the table. Colton and Jake looked at their glasses with sudden interest but didn't say anything.
This was never going to get easier. Families came in different shapes and sizes, but ours was patched together.
Gran sat down at the table as Nick went after Leo.
I had an idea and looked at Cami. "What do you say we go talk to my mom together after my brothers finish?"
She beamed. "Really? I'd love that."
"Okay, then. Come on. Let's follow them."
Leo passed us as we went to the kitchen, which meant Nick was already talking to Mom. He was pacing the kitchen, laughing. Noticing us, he grinned, snapping his fingers.
"Mom, I've got a big surprise for you." He held the phone out and turned the camera from himself onto us.
"Hey, Mom," I said and waved. Cami followed my lead.
"All right, it's your turn," Nick said. As he handed me the phone, he said, "Please take her mind off me and Leo possibly showing up with dates at the next Thanksgiving. I swear, Gran is sending her the wrong vibes."
"I heard you," Mom said.