Maddox looked down at the table for a split second, taking a deep breath before focusing his gaze on me.
"I see. Well, far be it from me to disturb you."
"Bill, I can't believe you. You know what? This dinner is over," I told him, trying to keep my anger under control. There was no need to start a fight in the middle of the diner. "And I'm not sure I'll be renting the place after all."
Bill jerked his head back. Maddox took a step toward me, raising a hand as if to touch me, but my body language must have tipped him off that I was pissed at him too. He dropped his hand.
"Tell me you're not dating this pompous—” Bill began, but Maddox stepped in front of me.
"Insult me again, and you’ll have a huge problem on your hands."
"Whatever. This is none of my business."
"You're right, it isn't. You're making Cami uncomfortable. Leave."
"I haven't finished my burger," he said.
"But I have." I was done with this shit. "Maddox, I would like to leave."
He swallowed audibly and took a step back. Pointing at the door, he said, "After you.”
I grabbed my coat and bag, and we hurried out. A few patrons were already looking at us, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to be away from Bill before I said or did something I might regret.
Once we were outside, I began to shiver.
"Put on your coat," Maddox barked.
I turned to look at him. "What's with that tone?"
"You'll catch a cold, Cami," he said in a warning tone.
"Fine, I'm putting it on. But not because you're commanding me to.” I actually was cold.
"So what?"
"What did he mean that he finally wore you down and got you to go to dinner with him?"
I shook my head. “He made it sound like something that it totally wasn't.”
"Were you or were you not having dinner with him?"
"Yes, obviously," I said, stomping my foot and crossing my arms over my chest. "But it wasn't a date."
"I fucking hope it wasn't," Maddox growled. "I so fucking hope it wasn't."
"I don't like where you're going with this. Or how you're going about it. You don't have to bark stuff at me and treat me like I'm a criminal or something."
He ran a hand through his hair. "I shouldn't have come here tonight."
"Yeah, maybe you shouldn't have." I had to get away or we'd end up in a fight. Well, a bigger fight. "I appreciate you driving all the way here, but I don't think either of us is in the mood to talk about anything tonight."
I turned around but then felt Maddox right behind me, putting a hand on my waist. I stilled.
"Tell me what you were doing with him."
My instinct was to inform him that it was none of his business, but his voice had changed. He wasn't commanding anymore. It was almost pleading, like he needed that answer... and, at the same time, wasn't ready to receive it.