"What? That I'm selling?"
"No. Maddox."
I stared at my plate and then back at him, drawing a deep breath. I needed to ground myself somehow. I did not expect this.
"You were the one telling me how great the Whitley brothers are."
"As buyers. Maddox doesn't seem like the kind of guy who gets serious about anyone."
I bit the inside of my cheek, carefully considering my words. I couldn't exactly contradict him. But how could I tell him that I didn't mind because I wasn't looking for forever either? It was a very awkward conversation to have with my dad, but I didn't want to skirt around the subject or give him the wrong idea.
"Listen, Dad. Maddox and I are on the same wavelength."
"I'm going to have a word with him."
"You absolutely won’t.”
"I'm your father. You can't tell me what to do and what not to do."
"Until today, I didn't have a reason to," I replied.
"Baby girl... I don't want you to get hurt," Dad said more calmly.
"I won't. Now, promise me you will not talk to Maddox about this."
He said nothing, just took a few forkfuls of food, chewing annoyingly slowly.
I kept staring at him. "You're not off the hook, Dad. Promise me!"
"I'm sorry. I've considered it, and I can’t do that.”
I groaned. I wasn't giving up, but I needed a better argument.
Taking my time to organize one, I finished my plate, then snapped my fingers as I got a genius idea. "Okay, fine. That was too much to ask. Promise you'll be civil."
"Is he the one who convinced you to stick around?"
I shook my head. "What? No, not at all. I haven't even discussed my business idea with him."
"Hmm, all right," Dad said.
But clearly everything was not all right. I couldn't believe he'd reacted like this. Dad was always laid-back, supportive of anything I decided. But it had been a very long while since I'd introduced him to someone. I never kept him up to date with my romantic life because it was just plain weird. What was I supposed to do? Introduce him to every guy I’d dated over the past few years? Not that I’d been out with many. But I couldn't keep what Maddox and I had a secret from him. That would just feel wrong.
Crap. I have to warn Maddox.
After Dad and I finished dinner, I went into my cabin and checked my phone. Miriam had called me five times. I called her back as I went inside.
"Finally. You're back, aren't you?"
"Yes. I just went to have dinner with Dad, who, thanks to you, knew I spent the night in Boston."
"I'm sorry. I hadn’t realized that you didn't tell him. So... how was the sleepover?" she asked.
"Delicious. What are you doing tonight?"
"Well, if my best friend agrees, I’ll come over with popcorn. Then we can have some mulled wine and gossip."
"Sounds like my kind of Saturday," I said.