"And actually, she misses you."
"Oh, that's so cute. You know, I was hoping she’d ask to come around the kitchen again.” I could hear the smile in her voice.
Did she know how much that meant to me?
"She likes you," I said. "And so do I."
That dangerous thought pushed all the others to the side, and I threw caution to the wind. I needed Scarlett on a level I couldn't understand. But maybe I shouldn't try. All my life, I'd tried to be rational. That had served me well in business, but not so much in my personal life. Right now, I didn't want to overthink this. I was letting my feelings do the talking, which was new to me.
"I want to spend more time with you, Scarlett."
"Well, um, that's going to be a bit tricky, I think, considering that someone's making me work very long hours." Her voice was teasing, but I knew she was right. The chef's job was no joke.
"But see, I'm actually free this week, considering Bella is gone."
"What did you have in mind?"
"Stay with me this week," I said, and she gasped.
Why did I just blurt it out like that? I should’ve laid more groundwork.
"As in... stay at the house?"
Since I'd gone ahead and run my mouth, I might as well continue. "That way I can take care of you every evening after all of those long hours of work."
"Hmm, you are great at taking care of me."
"You're hesitating. Why?"
"I don't know," she whispered. "This is a bit sudden and more than I expected. I..."
"You don't have to give me an answer now." It was unfair to put her on the spot when the idea had been percolating in my mind for hours.
"That's good. I'll think about it and let you know tomorrow, okay?"
"Sure. And Scarlett, if you'd rather not, it's completely okay. I understand. I don't want you to feel pressured into anything."
Just because I was ready for more and craved her presence at all times didn't mean we were on the same page. That thought didn't sit well with me, but I wanted her to be happy. And I was going to do my very best to convince her that she belonged right here with me.
Chapter Twenty-One
Mayhem ruled in the LeBlanc-Broussard household when I brought Bella the next morning. No one was ready, so the two of us spent an hour making po' boys for the road while the grans finished packing. Mom had made coffee for the trip and her signature scones. My family didn't believe in stopping to eat.
Finally, at about nine o'clock, they managed to get out the door.
I headed straight to the Quarter, but instead of going up to the office—even though I was late already—I went by Maria's Coffee Shop and bought two espressos. I knew the staff would arrive in about an hour, but I also knew Scarlett always came earlier on Mondays.
I used the employee entrance and smiled the second I stepped inside. Scarlett was singing, her voice filling the empty kitchen. I watched her for a few seconds, and then she turned around, gasping when she saw me.
"Chad, when did you come in?"
"Just now."
She glanced at the cups in my hands. "That for me?"