Page 78 of The Flirt

"I'm glad you had a good time together." His voice suddenly had an edge to it.

"Why did you doubt it?"

"Some people find them too much."

I laughed. "That's impossible. Who would say that?"

"My ex," he replied instantly.

"Oh.” My stomach dropped.

"She made it a point to avoid the family, especially my grandmothers."

"That's sad," I whispered. I couldn't imagine anyone not liking Celine and Isabeau. "How was the bayou? See any alligators?" I asked in jest.

"About half a dozen."

"You’re joking, right?"

"No. We can do a tour on the bayou whenever you want. You’ll see gators galore.” He laughed.

"Ummm... thank you for the generous offer, but I think I'll pass."

"I thought you were all about exploring."

"I draw the line at alligators."

He chuckled. "Duly noted."

My stomach rumbled. "Ugh, I need to order something to eat. I should’ve stayed longer in the Quarter and grabbed a bite. But I was a bit tired, considering I spent the night doing anything but sleeping.”

"Do you regret not sleeping, sugar?" His tone was teasing, but I could tell he also really wanted to know the answer.

"Not at all," I whispered. Swallowing hard, I added in a small voice, "You?"

Please don't let him say yes.

"No fucking way." And yep, I was grinning again. "You know what? I have an idea. Don't order anything for dinner. I'll send you something."

"What do you mean?"

"I'll send you something. You're going to enjoy it."

"You want to surprise a chef with food?" I asked incredulously.

"That king cake worked well in my favor," he said.

I had to laugh. "True. You getting me king cake in April is a big part of you getting in my pants so quickly.” I pressed my lips together, a bit embarrassed for blurting it out like that, because I’d actually wanted him in my pants long before that. Scarlett!

"Then I can't wait to see what tonight's surprise will do."

After we hung up, I called my parents, happy to get a chance to catch up with them. Dad answered the phone, immediately turning on the camera.

“Hey, sweetie pie!” I loved that he still called me that. He used to read me bedtime stories every evening when I was a kid, and he’d kiss my forehead right before I fell asleep, whispering, “Sweet dreams, sweetie pie.”

Even though they worked long hours, they both gave me a lot of love growing up.

“Listen, that good-for-nothing Simon messaged your mom on Facebook the other day. He asked if you had a new number.”