"Hello. May I have your names, please?" he asked.
"Yes. Chad LeBlanc, for two."
"Oh, Mr. LeBlanc, the rest of your family is already here."
I whipped my head toward him.
"Who exactly is here?" Chad inquired.
The man looked down. "I have Julian, Xander, Zachary, Anthony, Beckett, Adele, Remy, Isabeau, Felix, Celine, and David."
Chad started to laugh and then frowned, looking at me. "My mistake. Should’ve checked in with my family. Apparently, the entire clan is here."
"All right. So what now?" I wasn't certain where we stood. Sure, I'd met his family, but this was a bit different.
He winked at me. "Let’s give them something to gossip about."
I grinned and nodded. If he was up for it, then so was I.
He put a hand at the small of my back as he guided me farther inside the garden. It was very crowded, and I was certain it would take us a while to even find his family.
I was wrong. Two seconds later, Julian stepped up to us, staring at his brother incredulously.
"How did Mom even rope you into this?” he asked, then turned to me. “Hello, Scarlett."
"She didn't," Chad replied.
Anthony and Beckett came up then too. Or was it Xander and Zachary? No, I was certain I had them right.
All the LeBlanc brothers were tall and handsome, but there were subtle differences between them. Both Julian and Chad had the same dark brown hair and iridescent blue eyes. Anthony and Beckett had similar hair but vivid green eyes. Beckett looked really young. Xander’s and Zachary’s hair was even darker, and their eyes were dark brown as well.
"I guess now my entire family is complete,” Anthony said. “And Scarlett, it's good to see you again. You know, we were so certain that Chad wasn’t coming back to the bar that night. Imagine our surprise."
"Here’s to you for kicking him out," Beckett said, holding up a drink.
Chad grinned. "Beckett, behave."
"That's not possible, man."
Holy shit. I'd been with the LeBlanc brothers for all of two minutes, and I was already blushing.
"What’s the holdup?" Xander's voice came from behind. "Thought you were getting drinks."
He actually stumbled when he noticed me and then Chad. He immediately pointed at Beckett. "Behave."
I laughed. "Too late.”
Xander sighed. "Really? You already gave her a hard time?"
"Not at all, man. I just praised her," Beckett continued.
"All right, I need to find out how this happened," Chad said. "How is the entire family here, and why didn't I even know about it?"
Xander shrugged. "Mom actually called us one by one and asked us to attend this year since it was a special anniversary. She might have mixed up the weekends and figured you were out of town."
Chad nodded. "My New York meeting got postponed.”
Xander looked between the two of us with a frown. “So you came here on purpose?”