Page 55 of The Flirt

“Sure, cricket,” Chad said.

She really loved that lotion. She used more and more every day. Her hands were almost oily with it, but it made her happy. Bella practically darted out the door.

The second Chad and I were alone, the air between us became thick with sexual tension.

My goodness. I thought that after a week, it would get easier. But it didn’t.

Still, we'd done so well until now. He wasn’t insisting on coffee breaks, and I wasn’t pestering him with questions about our outing tomorrow. But as I watched him carefully setting pecan pie on plates, I couldn’t help myself and blurted, "Where are we going tomorrow?"

Chad stopped in the act of cutting a slice and glanced at me with a triumphant grin. His eyes glinted. “I was so sure that I’d be the one who’d fail at keeping up my part of the deal.”

“So was I,” I confessed, and he started to laugh.

“Hey, not funny,” I admonished. “I researched everything happening this weekend, and now I’m even more curious than before. I’d like to know how to dress and also where it is so I can plan my day around that."

He frowned. "Right. I didn’t think about that. It's a luncheon."

"Oh?" I asked. "So the dress code is... casual?"

He tilted his head. "Not at all.”

“Noted. And where is it?”

"I answered one question. I want to ask one of my own before I answer a second one."

I gasped. "That's not fair."

"No, it's not. But I hold all the cards right now." His gaze dropped to my lips for a split second, and my mouth dried up.

"All right. What is it?"

"I'll think about it later. But promise you’ll answer it.”

"I promise," I whispered. “So... where is it?”

"It's in a mansion in the Garden District."

Oh, wow. That sounded really fancy.

“What time does it start?"

"Noon. I’m dropping off Bella at her mom’s at eleven. I get to make her favorite breakfast, which always makes for a fun morning.”

I went from flirty to swooning in three seconds flat. That was adorable.

“I can pick you up at, say, 11:40 a.m.," he went on.

"There's no need," I said quickly. "I can meet you there before it starts."

"Scarlett, why don't you want me to pick you up?"

"Well, since it's in the Garden District, I could do a cemetery tour before. They've got one in Lafayette starting at nine, I think."

He grinned. "You really do like your cemeteries, huh?"

"Hey, I didn’t get to do the St. Louis tour because a certain someone hijacked my evening.”

“I see. But we had fun nonetheless, didn't we?"