"It's not exactly what I thought it would be," I whispered. “But maybe it gets better.”
"I have a counter proposal," he stated as we stopped in front of a shop selling diaries and voodoo supplies. No, they weren't diaries—Guillermo informed us that they were shadow journals.
"I'm listening."
Chad brought his mouth to my ear, making my entire body vibrate. "Julian asked me to drop by one of his bars. Want to go? You’d love the place."
Oh God. That sounds a bit like a date, doesn’t it? This was so far out of my realm of expertise, and I didn't even have a clue. My ex and I had been together long enough that I wasn't up to date with dating etiquette anymore.
"They're playing jazz at his place. Some of the best in New Orleans."
"I see. You’re bribing me with NOLA experiences."
"And they serve the best damn Pimm's and Sazeracs."
I hesitated, tilting my head a bit. And I realized that he was closer than I’d first thought. The back of my hand touched his, and a spark spread through my entire body. I swallowed hard. "I'd love to listen to some jazz."
He pulled back, and his smile was downright triumphant. "Great."
I then turned my attention to Guillermo, who regaled us with some more gruesome stories right up until we reached Muriel’s restaurant. I’d passed the red building quite a few times and loved its overall charm and, of course, the black iron railing around the balconies. Guillermo told us that the owner still dwelled in it despite passing away some two hundred years ago, and that visitors in the building often reported seeing objects fly.
"Of course, some would say that it might be the result of one too many drinks," he told us.
That made me laugh. I firmly believed that most such sightings were the result of too much alcohol.
I looked at the building intently while he gave us more details. Chad disappeared for a few moments, and once he was back, I said, “I'm going to tip Guillermo and tell him that we’re going to leave early. Okay?”
"I’ve already taken care of tipping him, and I told him we've got plans and they start earlier than we thought."
My mouth fell open. "When?"
"Just now when you were looking at the building.”
“Well, it’s gorgeous. Deserves to be admired.”
He grinned. “I like the way you soak everything in."
"Fine, I'll tell Guillermo goodbye, and then we'll just go."
The guy didn't seem at all mad that we were leaving early. In fact, he came close and winked at me. "If I had that hunk with me, I’d leave earlier too."
Oh my goodness. He thought we were an item? Or maybe he saw the way I shamelessly ogled Chad.
I smiled at him and said, "Good luck with the rest of the tour."
"Have a great night."
"You too."
"Everything okay?" Chad asked when I joined him.
"Yeah, why?"
"You’re flushed."
"Yeah, it's just a bit hot around here," I said and hoped he bought it. Oh dear Lord, I was biting off more than I could chew. I was sure of it. "So, where’s his bar?"