Page 17 of The Flirt

I hadn't even realized he’d taken out his phone. “You were serious about that Uber.”

"Yes." His eyes were even more intense than usual, and that was saying something. I gave him the address, and he typed it into the app.

"Your Uber is going to be here in one minute. Let's walk up there." He pointed toward Decatur.

As I rose from the bench, he put a hand firmly on my lower back, probably to steady me. I didn't need it... but I didn't mind one bit.

"Listen, if that guy gives you any trouble, let me know." The protectiveness he exuded warmed my heart. No one except my parents ever did that for me.


"Because I’ll take care of it."

I started to laugh. "Chad—”

"I mean it. No one has a right to talk like that to another human being."

I looked at my shoes. "I know, I know."

"That's your Uber," he went on as a small Volvo stopped in front of us.

He finally took his hand off my back as he opened the door. "Text me when you get home so I know you’re all right.” He grabbed my phone and called his number so I had it in my recents. Then he said, “I'll see you at the marketing meeting on Monday."

"Oh, that's right. I almost forgot."

Why did my stomach somersault at the thought of seeing him again so soon?

Probably because he was the kindest person I’d met in quite a while.

And smoking hot.

"Sure. Have a great evening, Chad."

"You too."

After he closed the door, the car moved forward.

I still couldn't wrap my mind around this evening. I truly hadn't expected Chad to be so concerned for me. I'd never experienced this type of care in my life. What did that say about my previous relationship?

Well, it didn't matter, because it was over.

Besides, I'd ended up right here in New Orleans, where my life was getting more fabulous by the day.

Chapter Five


Bella and I had a tradition—we always ate beignets in front of the TV. Julian left as soon as I’d returned, so now it was just the two of us.

"Daaaaaad. Can we watch Moana?"

My insides died just a bit. It had been her favorite movie when she was three. I was certain I'd seen it over a million times. I was surprised she wanted to watch it again.

"Sure, cricket. Let's put it on."

She curled up next to me on the couch, putting her head on my arm. I took her little hand in mine and said, "Your nails are a bit long. Want me to clip them?"

She looked back at me with a cheeky smile. "Yes."