Bella grinned. "Great! And then maybe we can negotiate with Dad so we can watch one more movie. At least one."
Oh shoot. Why didn't I see this coming? Bella would be one year older, but still not old enough for Goblet of Fire.
I glanced at Chad, then back at Bella and said, "We'll see."
Bella's mouth hung open.
Chad started to laugh. "Bingo, kid. She’s on my side on this."
Bella straightened up, letting her hands drop by her sides. " I’ll convince you. I have time."
Chad opened his mouth but didn't say anything. And who did Bella run to straight away? Xander.
"We've got a little fighter on our hands," I said.
"Yes, we do," Chad replied. Then he took me by the waist, pulling me into him. "You've got to promise me that you will not switch sides."
"There is a small risk of that, but you’re pretty persuasive about getting me to see your point of view."
"That's right, I fucking am."
"This is the best Christmas ever," I murmured.
"I'm glad you think so."
"I love all the traditions your family has, especially the stockings over the fireplace. I can't believe they added some for me and my parents too."
"Maybe we’ll add one more next year."
I raised a brow. "Oh? Who else do you want to invite?"
He smiled at me. "A baby?"
My whole body instantly softened. "You really mean that?" I asked.
"Yes. Of course, we’d also have to decide on the wedding day between now and next Christmas."
I laughed. "Is this another ruse for you to convince me to set a date?"
We'd been debating this ever since he proposed, yet somehow we hadn’t reached a consensus. I wanted a summer wedding, but he insisted it was too hot. Spring was looking good, though.
"As you pointed out, I’m excellent at finding ways to convince you."
I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to be here with this amazing man. I was utterly and blissfully happy.
I had a permanent contract at LeBlanc & Broussard, and the kitchen was thriving. I'd declined Mark’s job offer as politely as possible. I'd half expected him to get Simon back, but whatever happened between them must have been really bad, because he didn't. In fact, I'd done a bit of stalking on Facebook with Ariana’s help. What would I do without her? Simon wasn't even a sous-chef at his new job. He was simply a kitchen assistant. I was trying really hard not to rejoice, but hey, I couldn't help it. I felt a bit vindicated.
Shortly after our engagement, I’d told Chad about Simon’s last call. We were both glad Simon was finally getting what was coming to him.
"I guess we’re getting married next year, then. As long as it doesn't fall during any rush weeks at the restaurant."
He groaned. "Woman, you’re marrying the boss. He can pull some strings."
"Yeah, but I don't want him to. That's the point."
"We'll discuss this later at home."
Yeah right. He was going to use his sexy skills to win me over.