I looked around, smiling to myself. God, was this really happening? I was living in NOLA, and this gorgeous man had asked me to spend a whole week with him at his house. This was incredible.
Once we got in the car, I realized there was a real risk that I might simply doze off, but I didn't. "It's a good thing I managed to pack everything last night. I’d be too exhausted to do it today."
"Scarlett, if you're too tired, we can just relax at your place. We don't have to move things in tonight."
"Oh, no, no. I do want to do it tonight. I mean, I’ll be tired every evening, although today was particularly weird. I'm not sure whether all the customers were more demanding or if I just kept making more mistakes."
Chad made a sound that sounded a lot like a chuckle. I turned my head to face him. "Are you laughing at me?"
"No, but I've had a similar problem today. I couldn't entirely focus on my work. It pleases me to know I'm not the only one."
"Feisty, huh? I don't think you'll be so pleased with me if bad reviews start coming in."
He leaned closer to me once he’d stopped the car for a red light and whispered, "Nothing you do could displease me. Never."
I felt completely warm, as if the seat heating had suddenly started. He didn't know how much those words meant to me. I was enough just the way I was. I didn't have to behave or perform a certain way to earn his approval.
"If you need help in the kitchen, let me know,” he added. “We can always hire more staff."
"No! I'm up for the job," I said, proudly sticking my jaw forward and rolling my shoulders back.
"Scarlett, I know. I wasn't implying that. I'm just saying that some periods are far busier than others. We've had temporary staff additions before. That doesn't mean you can't do the job." I relaxed a bit in my seat. "I think it was just a weird day. But if it keeps happening, let me know, all right? I guess some others from the staff will also eventually come forward if they feel like the kitchen is in need of more personnel."
"It's a bit weird to talk about work," I confessed.
"Then we'll talk about anything else except that. Or... we don't have to talk at all."
I laughed. "I knew it. You’re luring me to your place for a week of nonstop sex."
He growled, and I covered my mouth. "Oh, I must be exhausted for my filter to be shut off like this."
"Don't say that again," he warned. "You have no idea how many times I fantasized today about coming down to the kitchen and taking you away."
"Huh," I teased. "Really? That would've been something.” I was secretly relishing the thought because I wouldn’t have minded at all.
When we pulled in front of my apartment building only a few minutes later, there was obviously a party somewhere nearby, because we could hear groups cheering.
Once inside, Chad looked around. "Have you done anything with the place since I was last here?"
"No. Honestly, I don't have time. I'm going to order some things online. By the time I finally make it to Home Depot, I’ll have lived out of my suitcase for, like, two months. I just need to find something that I can easily build myself to store some of this stuff away."
He cocked a brow. "Or you could call me. I can help with anything you might need."
I wiggled my eyebrows. "Okay, on one condition. You do it without your T-shirt on."
Chad looked at me incredulously, then burst into laughter.
“Deal,” he exclaimed through guffaws. Clearly my filter was completely off today. “All right, so what are you taking with you?”
I pointed at my packed suitcase by the door. “I’d love to take a quick shower, though. I really need to refresh.”
“Sure, I’ll wait.”
I usually spent a long time in the shower after work. The hot water relaxed me. But now, I washed quickly, then changed into fresh clothes. I also applied my amazing perfume right under my ears.
“Ready to goooo,” I exclaimed as I darted out of the bathroom.