I scooped her with one arm, putting her next to the pies. This was another tradition. We never set the table Sunday evening. We literally ate from the carton.
Taking out my phone, I texted Scarlett.
Chad: You got the delivery?
I received a message a few minutes later—a picture. Scarlett was biting into a pie, holding her thumb up.
Look at that grin. She was happy, completely and utterly happy. She'd had the same expression when she'd tasted the king cake.
Scarlett: This is delicious. I need the address.
I replied right away.
Chad: I'll give it to you in exchange for a kiss.
She sent a blushing emoji back.
Scarlett: Such a shameless negotiation.
Chad: It’s my style.
Scarlett: In that case, I’ll make things harder for you and I’ll get the name another way.
I started to laugh. Damn, I wanted this woman right here with me and Bella. That was a thought I’d never imagined having with anyone. At least not when Bella was this young.
When I received custody, I’d promised myself that I would be an exemplary father. That I wouldn't subject her to the uncertainty of me dating. But everything was becoming a blur.
I texted back quickly in between throwing away the empty cartons.
Chad: I need to start Bella's evening routine. Are you free to talk in about two hours?
Scarlett: Free as a bird. Unless I fall asleep. I have to catch up on sleep after someone corrupted me last evening.
I wanted to corrupt her into doing even more, but I couldn’t right now.
As I went upstairs with Bella, I asked, "Where did you go shopping this weekend?”
“Ohhh, everywhere. Even a voodoo shop. It wasn’t scary at all.”
That made me chuckle. "You're a brave girl."
"Of course I'm brave. I’m in school now. I'm not a kid anymore." That felt like a punch to my chest. She’d always be my baby girl... my cricket. But it also alerted me to something I didn't like.
"Cricket, you don't need to be brave just because you're at school. It's okay to be scared."
She narrowed her eyes. "You never get scared."
I laughed. "You know that’s not true."
"That's right. You’re afraid of clowns."
"And many more things, like the dark," I said as I started to comb her hair.
I wasn't afraid of the dark, but I knew she disliked it, and I wanted her to feel like she could share her fears with me.
Bella looked up at me. "Daddy, can I ask you something?"