"Not sure when I'll be there."
"Oh, take your time, child. Sundays aren't for hurrying. We can't wait to see you."
"I'm excited too," I confessed.
After I hung up, Chad asked, "Want me to drop you directly there?"
"Um, no. I have to change first or your grandmothers will put two and two together."
He smiled. "I'd be surprised if they haven't already."
Heat creeped up my face. "How would that even be possible?"
"Well, for one, I texted my grandfathers this morning to tell them I was going to be late, which I never am."
"So I'm the bad influence here, huh?"
Chad started to laugh. "I'm not saying that they know. But they might suspect."
"And how do you feel about that?" I asked, then chastised myself. I didn't want to put the man on the spot.
"I don't mind the family knowing. I just don't want them to corner you." He frowned. "You do want to go to the store, right?"
"Yes. I think it's super exciting that they decided to open a business once they retired.”
“We were all surprised, especially the grandfathers. But they’re very happy with it.”
“What gave them the idea?"
We continued speaking about the store until we reached my building. Damn, why couldn’t I live farther away? I wasn't ready to say goodbye to Chad.
When I got out of the car, he did as well and walked with me to my building. Once inside, we climbed the stairs side by side.
"You really didn’t have to walk me to my door," I murmured when we arrived at my unit.
"Manners before everything else," he said.
"I do like this Southern gentlemen thing."
"Gentleman, singular. Me. Only me."
I swallowed hard as I unlocked the front door. "Of course only you.” As I looked him in the eyes, I had to confess, “And I wasn't even counting on you."
"Hmmm." He twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers. "I could say the same."
"Have fun with your dad and grandfathers," I replied. We held each other’s gaze, and then I poked him in the chest. "You're getting that glint again. Just so I know, it's wired to dirty thoughts, isn't it?"
"Yes, it is. I can't believe you can tell." He smiled, straightening up.
"It was an educated guess based on very intense observation."
"All right, then no goodbye. It’ll just fuel those thoughts. Have fun today, Scarlett. Let me know if you need saving."
"I'm sure I won't," I said and went inside my apartment.
Heading toward my dresser, I changed quickly into pants and a tank top. I wanted to wear a dress again just because I loved being all girly in my free time, but I absolutely needed to wear sneakers. My feet were still protesting after yesterday.
I arrived in the Quarter almost an hour later and followed the directions on my phone to get to Fragrant Delights.