He filled two bowls and got a huge portion of rice out of the cooker before joining me at the dining table.
I took a mouthful and nodded in surprise. "Chad, this is amazing."
"You expected me to feed you crap?" he asked with a smile.
"Of course not. But this is chef-level good."
"I told you I worked in the kitchen."
"Thank you for cooking and taking care of me."
He put a hand on my knee. "Any time. Why did you put on your dress?"
"I didn't know what else to wear. It seems a bit silly to run around in a towel. And your bath sheets aren’t big enough to hide everything.” I ran a hand through my hair, but it got stuck. “Crap, I should’ve washed my hair. I’ll do it when I get home.”
"Here’s an idea." Smiling, he brought his mouth to my ear. "How about you stay the night and I'll spoil you with breakfast too?"
My stomach somersaulted. I hadn't counted on this at all. Everything since I’d met this man had been completely unexpected.
"On one condition," I said.
"You take advantage of me thoroughly tonight."
I loved feeling his breath on my ear as he murmured, "I was planning on seducing you after dinner anyway."
"Good to know."
"What are you doing tomorrow?"
"No plans. You?"
"Going fishing with my dad and grandfathers."
"Out on the bayou?"
He nodded. "I haven't gone in a long while, and I want to make sure they're all doing fine."
That was so cute. “How often do you go?”
"Whenever I have time. My brothers do the same. My dad goes with the grandfathers most of the time. But lately I'm starting to think Dad needs some adult supervision too."
My goodness. It was adorable that he cared about his family like this. It made me wonder if that was just Chad. Simon was all about Simon—I’d just figured that out a bit too late.
I always stayed on top of what my parents were doing because I cared about them. I figured that was an only-child thing. Except Chad was proving it wasn’t.
After we finished dinner, I reached for our plates to clear the table, but he stopped me. "No, I'll do this."
I stood with my hands on my hips. This man. “Chad, really! What am I supposed to do?”
“Prepare yourself for the rest of the evening.” He fondled my ass for good measure.
I locked my lips. “Are you sure you want me to spend the night?"
In response, he simply pulled me close to him. "Yes. Why not?"
"We both have our... reasons and rules."