Page 47 of The Flirt

“I know. Dinner is more complicated. I have to—”

"Scarlett," I said, tilting her chin up. "Close your eyes."

She did as I said.

"Now, take a deep breath."

She inhaled deeply and exhaled. It took all my willpower not to lean in and kiss her. She was trusting me, and I didn't want to take advantage.

"Now, open your eyes and look up into the sky."

She turned around and actually gasped. "Oh, a rainbow. This is stunning. All those red and orange colors, and I think that's even a green streak in between the two reds. This is incredible."

She turned to look at me, smiling.

"I thought you'd enjoy it."

Her shoulders finally relaxed. "Thank you, Chad. This means a lot to me."

"I figured you could use the break."

She nodded and took another sip of coffee. "Where did you buy this? I need to go there."

"It's my secret spot over on Bourbon. I'll take you there. It's three blocks away. Then when you go on your own, always tell Maria to make it strong like Chad LeBlanc likes it."

"You're famous there?"

"Maria knows my family."

She was silent for a few beats, just admiring the rainbow.

"So listen, I've been talking to the pastry chef," she said finally.


She wanted to talk shop now? This was not what I had in mind. I wanted her to relax.

"And she agreed that I can make pecan pie every day this week."

"I don't follow."

"So I can bake with Bella every morning."

If I thought it was difficult not to kiss her before, it was almost impossible to rein myself in right now. "You've actually made a plan?"

She nodded vehemently. "Of course. Let’s meet at seven."

"Scarlett, that’s going to be a long day for you," I said slowly.

"I know, but did you see Bella's face? She was absolutely thrilled."

"She was. She made me promise to talk to you today, and I was going to," I admitted.

"See? That's one problem solved."

"I want something in return," I said.

She narrowed her eyes. "For me spending time with your daughter?"