Page 45 of The Flirt

"So do I," I admitted.

My little girl quickly took a liking to others, but even for her, this was fast-paced. I loved that Bella approved of Scarlett, but I didn’t want her to get too attached, as I really wasn’t sure what we had between us myself.

"All right, inside you go."

"I love you, Daddy."

She put her arms around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I hugged her tightly. My marriage had been a huge mistake, but even so, I didn't regret it. Otherwise, I wouldn't have Bella, and that would’ve left a huge void in my life.

A school bell rang in the distance, indicating kids should be in their homerooms.

"Come on. Go, go, go," I said.

"Oh my God, I’ll be late."

I laughed. I'd never heard her say oh my God until now. But she was spending more hours each day with peers and teachers than with me. I was bound to miss out on things.

After she was inside, I hurried back to the office. I had back-to-back meetings the whole day, but I'd promised my little girl that I would talk to Scarlett today, and I intended to keep that promise. But that wasn't the only reason. I was looking for an excuse to talk to Scarlett. I wanted to see her, but I knew she was busy in the mornings.

Once in my office, I checked the plan for the week before diving into the to-dos for the day. I took my first break in the early afternoon. Picking up my phone, I checked all my messages.

Mom had posted a picture in the family’s group text, then messaged me individually about it.

Mom: Honey, one of my friends sent me this. You should be able to see it from where you are downtown. I swear, I think it's one of the best rainbows ever.

I almost scrolled past it. Mom had a habit of sending us random things like this—pictures of animals, sunsets, what have you. I didn't have time to stop and smell the flowers, so to speak. But... I knew someone who would be very happy indeed to experience this.

I checked the time. It was three o’clock. Past lunch and before the dinner rush.


I followed my instinct and messaged Scarlett.

Chad: Come to the rooftop in 10 minutes.

Scarlett: Why?

I could imagine her eyes widening, her mouth parting.

Chad: The boss demands it.

Scarlett: You’re not the boss of me. You said so yourself.

Sassy, just as I’d expected. My cock twitched, which was totally insane.

Chad: Just five minutes.

Scarlett: Okay.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I headed down the stairs and left the building only a few minutes later. Scarlett said she always liked to have coffee in the afternoon, and I was going to surprise her.

I went to my favorite coffee shop on Bourbon Street. Not the street that would come to my mind if I ever intended to open another coffee shop, but this one was good, which was saying something.

"Chad," the owner, Maria, greeted me. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I can't make chitchat today, Maria. Just need two espressos to go." I winked at her because the grin spreading across her face said too much.

"Two?" she questioned. "You have a lady friend."