Both Anthony and Zachary jolted their heads back, obviously surprised by her admission, though I wasn’t sure which one. Maybe both.
"Consider this your official welcome to New Orleans, then," I said.
Xander pointed at her. "You can tell us if you ever taste a better drink.”
"Xander," Julian said in a warning tone.
"How else will we keep our standards high?" Xander asked.
I shook my head, keeping an eye on Scarlett for any sign that my brothers were overwhelming her. But she seemed to genuinely be enjoying herself.
After a while, the crowd started to shift, and a few couples began to dance. Scarlett looked at them very curiously and said, "I didn't realize you could dance to jazz music."
"Scarlett, this is New Orleans," Zachary said. "We dance to anything."
"I haven't danced in a long time," she muttered almost wistfully.
My instincts kicked in again. Fuck, I needed this woman.
"Dance with me," I said.
Scarlett looked down at her drink and then back up. My brothers didn't say anything.
"Sure, why not?" she murmured. "Let me just finish this."
Before I had the chance to tell her that she shouldn't down the whole drink all at once because absinthe is some powerful stuff, she swallowed it all.
"Oh," she said afterward, her eyes watering, "it burned my throat a bit."
"That's... You know what? Never mind.” Julian sounded and looked stunned. “We'll make sure you get home in one piece."
"Hey, I can hold my liquor," Scarlett said, already slurring a little.
"Famous last words," Xander replied. "But don't worry. Julian's manning the bar, and Anthony and Beckett are inebriated, but Zachary and I can keep an eye on you."
"That's what I'm doing," I clarified.
Xander winked at me. Zachary nodded at him and then clinked his glass to Xander's.
Something was going on, but I didn't have time to dig into it now. I wanted to dance with Scarlett more than I wanted to spar with my brothers.
Taking her empty glass, I put it on the counter next to my half-drunk Sazerac. Then I took her hand. I realized a split second later that she wasn't expecting it, because she shuddered lightly. But she didn't pull it back. I walked us farther away from the bar. I didn't want my brothers lurking. Besides, the area next to the bar was more crowded anyway.
"This music is so soothing," Scarlett murmured.
I pulled her right in front of me, putting an arm around her waist but keeping a comfortable distance. The music was slow and inviting.
"Hm," she said after a few seconds, "maybe drinking that in one swallow really wasn't my best idea."
"Don't worry, Scarlett. I'll take care of you."
She looked up at me, her eyes wide and dreamy. "Oh, I don’t think anything will happen to me. That’s not what I’m worried about."
"Then what are you worried about?"
She cast her glance away, sucking in a deep breath. "This evening. Dancing. You."
Energy shot through my body. "Scarlett... fuck, I want to kiss you."