Page 148 of The Flirt

"All right, everyone. First round of snacks is on the way," Celine announced.

"Coming!" I said, but Chad put a hand firmly on my waist.

"No. You're not going in the kitchen, remember? Mom made that a rule."

The LeBlancs and their rules. "Okay. I’ll stay put."

As we went to the table, Chad said, "I wonder what's up with Julian."

I followed his gaze to his brother, who was chatting softly with Anthony and Beckett. "He seems in a bad mood," I said.

"I know." Chad sounded stunned.

"I didn't know Julian could be in a bad mood," I confessed.

"Neither did I. I wonder why that is."

"Let's go find out," I said, and we headed their way.

"Is there a crisis at the office?" Chad asked without further ado.

The three brothers stared at him.

"Why would you think that?" Anthony asked coolly.

“Julian, you seem to be in a foul mood, and it's unusual," I said.

His eyes bulged. "You picked up on it?"

"Um, brother," Beckett said, "I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I think aliens could’ve picked up on it. You have no poker face."

"Right," Julian said. "No, I'm just... I got a rude email from someone we used to work with. She just won’t take no for an answer.”

Beckett grinned. "It's a woman, and she seems like a force to be reckoned with."

Julian stared at him. "That's what you got? After everything I just told you?"

"Sounds like she's giving you a run for your money instead of simply surrendering to the power of the LeBlanc and Broussard names."

"It's not about surrendering," Julian replied. "She's simply rude and hardheaded for no reason."

"Is she attractive?" Anthony asked.

"I’ve never met her in person. And anyway, that has nothing to do with anything," Julian replied. There was a bit of an edge to his voice.

“Is that so?” Celine asked. She was carrying a tray of pralines.

"You should’ve let them talk for a little longer," Isabeau tsked. She had a tray of dates wrapped in bacon. They smelled amazing. "Then we could’ve gotten more details."

Julian shook his head. “There’s no need for that. Let’s head to the table.” He looked pointedly at Anthony and Beckett, who followed him over.

"You two eavesdropped?" Chad asked.

"Well, but you weren't exactly keeping it quiet," Celine said.

"You know, we could find out who that lady is. We'll see if we can give her a nudge with the lilac," Isabeau said.

I started to laugh. Chad looked at his grandmothers incredulously.