Page 138 of The Flirt

I kept staring at my phone as I sipped a coffee. She didn't reply. I was tempted to call my parents, but why worry them? I'd only told them bits and pieces about my relationship with Chad, so this would feel very out of the blue for them.

I was on my second cup of coffee when Ariana called.

"Hey! Good morning," she said.

"You sound full of energy. So I didn't wake you up?"

"No, I was out for my morning jog."

My eyes widened a bit at that. "You have all my respect. I couldn't do anything first thing in the morning."

"So, what's up? How was yesterday?"

I couldn't believe that everything had only happened yesterday.

"It was great," I replied.

"So why the sad voice?"

"Because... well, remember how I told you that my ex-boss, Mark had been in contact?"


"He actually sent me a job offer yesterday."

She gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. As a chef, no less."

"Oh my God." And then she said, "So Simon’s out—no surprise. Oh, wait, I can't get too excited, because I'm betting you're turning it down, huh? For that hunk and his adorable daughter."

"Exactly. That's what I want. But Chad is insisting that I think about it thoroughly because it's a great opportunity."

"Huh. You believe that's actually his way of saying he doesn't want this to get any more serious?"

My stomach fell. "I didn't really think that far into it."

"Sorry. I don't want to put crazy ideas in your head. It's just my experience with guys. As soon as I even hint at taking things to the next level, they get cold feet."

"Oh, I didn't think about that. Maybe he feels pressured. Like... if I stay here, it means I want more. And..." I took in a deep breath, remembering Bella’s question. I'd completely melted at the time, but what if it had pushed him over the edge?

"What?" she prodded.

"Last night, after the competition, we went to his family's house, and Bella actually adorably asked me if I want to be her week mommy."

"Oh my God, the cute girl. The week mommy."

"Yeah. I thought it was adorable and said yes. But what if it was too much too soon?” I was almost afraid to voice that fear.

"And Chad told you about considering the offer right after that?"

"Yes, but we started that conversation before going to the competition." I pressed my palm to my forehead. "I’d hoped that if I talked this through with you, I'd get some clarity, but now I'm even more scared and confused."

"You know what? Forget all the crazy things I've told you. It’s only my experience, and it’s not relevant right now."

We were both quiet for a moment before Ariana went on.

"Look, Chad is not like the deadbeats I'm dating. I can't see him getting cold feet now either."