"Not exactly," she said. "Just broad strokes. My goal is not to let you hijack my plan midway with hot kisses and such."
"Scarlett, I have news for you," I said, rising on my knees, too, and meeting her halfway. "I'm going to do that anyway."
Chapter Twenty-Six
Sunday came around far too quickly. Right before heading to dinner with my family, we dropped off Scarlett's bags at her home.
"Fucking hell. I'd forgotten how small this place was," I said when we stepped inside.
"Hey, don't be so judgy. I like it here. It's cozy.” Biting her lip, she glanced around. “Let’s go so we’re not late.”
She was fiddling with her thumbs. I stepped in front of her, wanting to see what this was about.
"Scarlett, are you nervous?"
"It's that noticeable, huh?"
"Of course." I looked at her intently.
"Yeah, I am," she whispered.
"If you prefer not to come, that's okay. I don't want to pressure you into anything."
I sucked in a breath. What if she took me up on my offer? I wanted to make things official to the family, but what if she wasn't ready?
She tilted her head as if seriously considering it. "No, no. I'm not a chicken. I want to come."
I rolled my shoulders back, suddenly feeling lighter. "Perfect. Then we should get going. They shared their location earlier, and they'll be home in around five minutes."
"Oh my God!" She went ramrod straight. "So we're already going to be late."
I chuckled. "No, we’re not. It’s good to give them time to settle in before we arrive.”
"I can't wait to hear what Bella was up to this week."
I kissed her forehead, inhaling deeply. Her perfume was addictive. I’d never get used to hearing her talk about my daughter with so much warmth. I couldn't believe I was so lucky.
“I miss my girl,” I confessed. “It’s always hard for me when she leaves with the grandparents, but I know she has a lot of fun.”
“You’re a great dad.”
Hearing those words from her meant the world to me.
After depositing her suitcase next to the dresser, we headed down to the car.
"You said they live in the Garden District, right? Did we pass by the house when we went there the other day?" she asked once we were on the road.
"No, I would've pointed it out."
"It must be huge if they all live there.”
"That's an understatement." I didn't give her any details, though. She’d see it soon enough.
We arrived twenty minutes later, and her reaction was priceless.