“And what is that supposed to mean?” I keep my tone light and teasing, wanting her to relax around me. I don’t want the tension between us to continue.

I want to get to know the woman I've written off for many years—the same woman who’s been charming her way around my office.

She seems to draw me in without really meaning to. I hate to admit that I’ve started to think her smile is addictive, and the scent of sweet lemons and vanilla haunts me when I go home.

What the hell is she doing to me?

Whatever it is, I don’t know if I want it to end.

Cora shrugs and makes her way to the bar. “You’re a lawyer—and a CEO. You've taken over Blake & Associates from your father and spend your days preparing for cases, reading contracts, or going to court. You have to show off for every other corporate lawyer in Maine because that’s how the industry works. A little hole in the wall like this doesn’t scream I’m a lawyer with status.”

“Sometimes I prefer to be alone and have time to myself without worrying about what everyone else thinks of me.”

The bartender sees us and walks over, his gaze running the length of Cora’s curvy body. I clear my throat and lean on the bar beside her.

When my shoulder brushes against hers, I can’t deny the sparks ignite.

“Hey, man.” I peer up at the menu hanging behind him on the wall. “Double whiskey on the rocks for me.”

Cora digs her elbow into my side and gives me a pointed look. With a bright smile, she turns her attention back to the bartender. “Long Island iced tea for me, please.”

The bartender nods and grabs a bottle of whiskey. “Opening a tab or paying now?”

“Tab.” I hand over my credit card, and he enters the number into their sales system.

He makes the drinks quickly, and I pull out cash, leaving a hefty tip on the bar. Cora takes her drink and rolls her eyes.

I ignore the look she’s giving me and lead the way to a small table in the dark corner.

Cora slides onto one of the tall stools, still sipping her drink. “Why are you so eager to stash everything that went down between us in the past? Why bother now?”

I sit across from her and down half my drink. “I’m not the man I used to be. I've grown up and realized how I spoke to you when we were young was wrong.”

Cora toys with the straw in her drink. “And you want to move past that?”

“We’re both too old to keep carrying around anger and resentment. I’m sorry for hurting you. I’m sorry that I made you feel excluded. If I could go back in time and kick my own ass for treating you that way, I would.”

I pause, taking a sip of my drink before I tell her that I kind of like her now. That I want to touch her… kiss her. But those words are on the tip of my tongue. If I’m not careful, I might make a decision I’ll kick myself for later.

Cora is my buddy Jake’s sister. My employee. A woman who resents me.

Although, with the way she is looking at me right now, it’s hard to believe that she fully dislikes me.

Cora finishes her drink, glancing at me every now and then. She sways in her seat to the beat of the band's song. Her soft smile makes me get out of my seat and hold out my hand.

Her eyebrows pull together. ‘What are you doing?”

“Dance with me.”

“You can dance?” Cora slips her hand into mine, sending my heart racing. “And you want to dance with me? Don’t you think it’s a bad idea? What if someone we know sees us together? That will be the talk of the office for the rest of the retreat and beyond.”

“Nobody we know is here.” I lace my fingers with hers. The tingle that I get each time we touch is back.

I don’t know how I will survive dancing with her when all I want to do is… kiss her.

Cora follows me close to the stage. I spin her beneath my arm before pulling her back to me.

My chest presses against her back. Her hips roll against mine, and I hope she doesn’t feel the way my cock swells against her ass.