I stir my drink with my straw before taking a sip. “I guess I do have trust issues. I’m aware of that. It’s hard not to when the person you thought you’d marry puts you on the line for thousands of dollars. He called me the other day, too.”

Sophie’s eyes nearly bulge out of her head as her hands smack down onto the bright red table. “Excuse me? He called you?”

“He did. Not last Monday but the one before it.” I take another sip of my drink and pick up the food menu. My stomach growls as I look down the list of tacos.

Sophie shakes her head. “There’s no way he’s trying to crawl back into your life, right?”

“Nope. He wanted the insurance information for the policy on the house.” I can’t keep the smile off my face as I look up at her. “That was one of the policies I canceled when I left. He would've known if he had bothered to read the note I left him.”

Sophie sips her drink, a smirk forming around her straw. “I’ve never been convinced that man could read.”

I burst out laughing as the waiter comes back to take our food order. After we request way too many tacos, the server disappears with our order.

Sophie leans back in her seat, humming along with the song that plays. “Alright, so, Griffin Blake. The big-shot lawyer and CEO. Is he good in bed or just counting on his job title and bank balance to do all the heavy lifting?”

I sputter, nearly spitting out the margarita I just sipped. I swallow hard before coughing a burn in my chest. “I cannot believe you just asked me that.”

Sophie tilts her head back and laughs. “And yet I’m still waiting for an answer. Good in bed or not?”

My cheeks are on fire as I press my hands to them. “Let’s just say I’m not complaining.”

Sophie squeals and bounces in her seat. She props her elbows on the table and holds her hands close to a foot apart. Her hands start to move closer together.

“Tell me when I’m getting close to the right size.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Stop it, Soph. You may be my best friend, but there are some things that I better now share with you.”

Sophie pouts before reaching for her drink. “I just need a little something to get me through my dry spell. I’m living through you right now.”

“Sounds like you’re living a nightmare then.” I give the waiter a quick smile as the platter of tacos is placed between us.

Sophie grabs one of the barbacoa tacos and takes a large bite. “I doubt that I’m the one living a nightmare. You're having a tough time right now, but I promise it won’t be that way forever. You have a well-paying job that will set you up for a bright future.”

I take a shrimp taco and squeeze a lime wedge on top. “I know. It will take some time, but I haven't given up on opening that media company and traveling the world. It will take longer to get there than I thought.”

Sophie holds her taco up and bumps it against mine. “That’s the spirit. You should be happy. You have Griffin now. Even though I don’t fully understand why you’re living with him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy you’re out of that crappy apartment, but staying with him seems impulsive for you.”

“I don’t have to pay rent with him,” I sigh and finish off my first taco, reaching for another, “which is a couple hundred dollars more a month I can shove toward the debt.”

“Cora, that hardly sounds like the real reason why you moved in with him. I didn’t think you’d ever agree to move in with him.”

“I didn’t think I would either, but… he argued with me until I agreed. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.”

“Good. I think you need someone like him as your partner. As far as I can tell, he’s doing a fantastic job so far.”

“You’re right about that. He is nice to me now. Surprise, surprise.”

I try to maintain a casual tone but can’t help being fond of Griffin. I’ve spent enough time with him to know that he genuinely wants me to succeed.

Knowing that he wants to support me as much as I want success for myself is a strange feeling.

When I was with my ex, all he wanted was our names tied together.

He leeched off everything I did and claimed it as his own. He was sure we could make it—as long as our business was built on my hard work.

It took many years to see that, but now that I do, I have to accept that I learned the hard lesson.

Being with Griffin might scare the hell out of me at times, but it’s only because he makes me feel like nobody else has.