Jake does just that, sitting down beside her as I return to my breakfast.
I hate lying to my best friend and keeping secrets from him, but there is no way that I can tell him I’m falling for his sister.
He would never understand.
Cora’s gaze flicks to me as Jake scrolls through his phone. She winks at me, but I can see the unease in her eyes.
That was dangerously close.
Chapter fifteen
Sophie grins as I get in her car. She makes a point of looking up at Griffin’s house and whistling. “It seems like you’re moving up in the world, Cora. When were you going to tell me that moving in with your boss is the real reason you wouldn’t move in with me?”
“You can’t breathe a word of this to Jake.” I flip down the mirror and make sure my lipstick isn’t smudged from the kiss Griffin gave me as I walked out the door. “He’ll lose his mind if he thinks anything is going on between me and Griffin.”
Sophie takes off down the driveway and onto the main road, heading for our favorite Mexican restaurant.
“And is there something going on with Griffin? Something more than just getting your fill of a fine man?” Sophie teases.
My cheeks are on fire as I roll my eyes. “Soph, do you have to say it like that?”
Sophie wiggles her eyebrows at me as we come to a red light. “Oh, but I absolutely have to. If I knew you would start a relationship with your boss, I would’ve bothered you for daily work updates.”
“It's not happening.” I flip the mirror back up and lean back in the seat. “The less people know about what’s going on, the better. Being in a relationship with my boss reminds me of what Victor did…”
Sophie scoffs and takes the twisting road that leads to the restaurant. “You’re far better than that piece of human filth. He cheated on you.”
“With his manager, who was already married,” I say softly.
Neon lights blur on either side of the road as we enter downtown. Sophie circles the block until she finds a parking spot near the restaurant.
Sophie glances over at me as she parks the car. “How is he cheating on you with his manager in any way similar to you dating Griffin?”
She’s right, and we both know she is. I don’t know why I’m punishing myself unnecessarily when I see the situation with Griffin is entirely different.
Maybe because I know I can’t tell my brother about Griffin and me… and it’s making me feel guilty.
I get out of the car when she does, waiting for her to lock up. “I know it’s different. There’s just a little voice in the back of my mind that can be a real bitch sometimes.”
“Yeah, I understand that.” Sophie links her arm through mine and tows me into the restaurant. “I think you just need to learn to let go of everything that happened before, Cora. Griffin and Victor are two very different men.”
“You’re right. Griff’s worst is Victor’s best.”
The host leads us to a table in the back beneath a warm white light. Sophie and I slide into the booth, picking up the drink menus and browsing through them.
Sophie puts down the menu and clasps her hands together. “You know, I think this will be good for you.”
“You think what will be good for me?”
The waiter comes by and takes our drink orders, placing Sophie’s analysis of my life on a brief hold.
The moment the waiter is gone, a wide smile spreads across her face. “I think being with a man who has his life together will be good for you.”
My cheeks warm again, and I’m sure the blush is spreading down my neck. “I’m sure it will be, too, but there are many other things to consider.”
Sophie rolls her eyes as our drinks appear in front of us. “Oh, Cora. I think you spend too much time worrying about things. Victor’s made you think that you’re the problem, hasn’t he? Is that why you doubt your feelings all the time? He’s also made it difficult for you to trust people after what he put you through.”