“Great.” I finish the last crepe and start assembling them. “Jones is probably working for my father. It’s fine. I’ll deal with that problem.”

Cora bounces in her seat as I slide the Brie-stuffed crepes over to her. “These look delicious. And what do you mean? Jones works for your father?”

“Dad has a hard time letting go of the company. He likes to constantly hover over my shoulder and pretend he still has control.” I shrug and take a bite of my crepes. “I’ll get rid of Jones, and then Dad will find another way to meddle.”

“That’s horrible.” Cara cuts her crepes into small pieces and swirls them through the maple syrup on her plate. You’re good at running the firm. I think your dad could take a step back and let you handle things now.”

“He’s never going to let me handle things. I know that I’m stuck with him.”

Cora’s head whips around as there is a knock at the door. She looks back at me, her mouth turning down at the corners. “Were you expecting anyone?”

“No.” I grab my phone and check the camera. “Fuck, Jake is here.”

Cora’s face pales before she shoves her plate toward me. “Get rid of this, then go let him in.” She whispers.

“And what are you going to do?” I take the plate and put it in the fridge as I hear another knock at the door.

“Figure out a way to play this off. Go let him in before he gets suspicious. The last thing we need is for him to know that I’m living with you.”

Cora slides off the stool and takes off toward the office den.

I head for the door and open it, wondering how the hell I’m going to continue to hide Cora from Jake.

Jake walks in and kicks off his shoes. “Hey man, sorry for bugging you early in the morning. Is Cora here?”

My heart skips a beat, but thankfully, Jake doesn’t give me a chance to reply.

“I was just by Cora’s, but she wasn’t there. I don’t like that neighborhood one bit, and I want to talk to her about moving. No wonder she wouldn’t tell me where she lived—I had to pry Sophie for the address. I figured she might be here since she wasn’t with Sophie.” he continues.

Sweat beads on my palms.

I can’t tell him that Cora is living with me now. He would never forgive me for hiding his sister from him.

Soft thuds pad on the hardwood floor, and Cora enters the room.

She gives Jake a bright smile and pulls him into a tight hug. “Sorry, I was in the washroom when I heard you come in.”

Jake chuckles and pulls away from her. “There you are. I assumed you’d be here working through another weekend. Griffin never lets you have a weekend to yourself, does he?”

Cora shrugs and stuffs her hands into the pockets of her gray plaid slacks. “It’s just been so hectic at work recently. We had some tasks that needed to be done, and it made sense to come over early and try to finish them.”

Jake glances at the counter where my breakfast is still sitting. “I hope you didn’t have to make breakfast for him. He’s a big boy and can handle his own food.”

Cora laughs and shakes her head. “Please, why would I make my boss breakfast? You know I end up burning most of the food I try to cook.”

Jake grabs a piece of Brie from the counter. “I know. Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about finding another place to live. You know why, and I won’t accept a no for an answer.”

Cora doesn’t even blink, maintaining her poker face.

“Jake—this isn’t the right time to talk about that. Griffin and I want to finish the work early rather than later.”

“Fine, fine. Since I’m here, I want you to take a look at something quickly, though. Griffin, if you don’t mind?” Jake asks.

“Of course not, man,” I reply, avoiding his stare.

“So, there’s a photoshoot coming up. The contract doesn’t look quite right, but my manager’s insisting that everything is fine.”

Cora sits down on the island and holds out her hand. “Bring it up on your phone so we can see.”