Although, if he keeps trying to finger me underneath the table, I’m sure tonight is going to end with me bent over his bed.
Griffin looks at Jones as he presents the case numbers for the prior month. Griffin’s hand continues to climb up my thigh, sending a shiver through my spine.
I dare not swat his hands away as Jones finishes presenting.
Questions fly around the room as I’m busy jotting them down, knowing that Griffin will want to look over the meeting notes later.
By the time the last department heads filter out of the conference room, my hands are cramped from writing pages and pages of notes.
Griffin leads the way into his office, abandoning his tie the moment he’s through the door.
I quickly grab the tie and hang it in the small closet before shutting the door behind us. He takes a seat on one of the couches, waiting for me to come over.
Sitting across from him, I place my phone and the notes on the table.
Griffin turns to me, stretching his legs out in the space between us. “I don’t know why you insist on taking notes with a pen and paper when we have perfectly good laptops you could use.”
I hand him the notes that—despite the distractions—are immaculate, each page filled with neatly written points and key takeaways. “And miss using all those shorthand classes I took? Plus, I’m a firm believer that writing notes by hand helps retain information and focus.”
He arches an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Alright, now what’s the real reason for torturing yourself during meetings?”
“Optics. They don’t ask me questions if they think I’m too busy taking your notes.” I grin and cross one leg over the other.
The screen of my phone lights up from where it sits on the table. I lean forward to check the caller ID, my heart coming to a screeching halt.
A bitter taste fills my mouth as Victor’s picture lights up again.
Griffin looks down at the phone. “Is there a problem?”
“Mm.” I grab the phone and slide my thumb across the screen, ignoring the call. “It’s my ex. I haven’t heard from him in a long time. Don’t know why he would bother calling me now.”
Griffin leans back against the cushions and drapes one arm over the back of the seat. “Mm-hmm. So, about the meeting today, our case numbers are low. When you have time, I want a report on who takes on the most cases, who settles the most, and how long it’s taken to complete each case over the last twelve months.”
“Are you looking to downsize?” I grab my phone and make a note of his request. “Are there any specifics you want highlighted in the report?”
“I think it’s time to examine all the firm members to see who is not performing well. I have a couple of names on my list already, but if some are performing better than others, it may be wrong to let them go.”
I nod as my phone starts vibrating again.
With a sigh, I ignore the call again and put the phone down in my lap.
Griffin glances at the phone before looking up at me. “You know, if you need to take that call, you can.”
“Nothing good ever comes of taking his calls.” I run my hand through my hair before sliding the hair tie off my wrist and wrangling my hair into a loose bun at the nape of my neck. “Victor is nothing but a problem, and if I had seen that earlier in life, I would have been spared a lot of drama.”
Griffin’s gaze cuts to the phone as it starts vibrating again. “Take the call, Cora. See what he wants. It’s got to be important if he keeps calling you.”
My chest tightens as I grab the phone and get up, pacing to the other side of the room as my thumb slides across the screen. “What is it, Victor?”
Victor scoffs. “Is that any way to answer the phone? You know, being bitter is going to turn you ugly, Cora.”
“I don’t care. Why do you keep calling me?” I pace back and forth in front of Griffin’s desk, trying to ease some of the restlessness that plagues me whenever Victor calls.
Talking to him is like being at the top of a rollercoaster right before it plummets back to earth.
There is the need to hold onto the edge of my seat and hope that the cars stay on the tracks.
And then there is always the concern that I’m going to crash into the ground and my life is going to become an inferno.