Am I about to be served? Did Cora go to a lawyer and decide to press charges for what happened between us that night?

The courier takes the envelope from beneath his arm and hands it to me, saying, “This is for you.”

I take the envelope, and he spins and walks down the wide front steps. His delivery van idles in the circular driveway as he gets in and types something into the screen on his dash.

A few moments later, he is gone, leaving me with the envelope.

I head back inside, a slight tremble to my hands as I pry open the envelope.

If I get sued by an employee, I’ll never hear the end of it. My business will be ruined, and my father will make my life a living hell.

He’ll spend the rest of his life insisting that giving me the company was a mistake, and he’d be right.

I’ve spent too much time trying to prove him wrong to have all my work thrown away over a kiss.

As I open the envelope, thick, smooth-to-the-touch paper greets me. I head to the kitchen and turn the envelope upside down, dumping out the paper onto the counter.

I watch my worst nightmare unfold in slow motion as the marriage certificate with my signature lays perfectly still on the counter.

Chapter seven


Kaleigh perches on the edge of my desk with a bright smile, holding two cups of coffee Monday morning.

“Here—I thought you could use this. Griffin called last night about one of the contracts, and he seemed to be in a bad mood. I doubt today is going to be any better. I also need to speak to you about the contract,” Kaleigh doesn't skip a beat.

I take the cup of coffee with a smile and take a sip before setting the cup beside my monitor. “Thank you. I’m sure his mood is just as foul. He stormed in here and went straight to his office half an hour ago. Slammed the door shut and locked it. Carson’s been trying to speak with him since he got in.”

Kaleigh glances at Carson as he passes by my desk to try to speak to Griffin again.

He grunts as the door refuses to open before turning and walking away.

I sigh and reach for the coffee, taking a sip. “I bet Carson is going to place a call to Mr. Blake soon.”

Kaleigh nods. “Mm-hmm. I don’t doubt that at all. Looks like the old bastard still has his nose so far up Rick’s ass that everyone would think Rick is still running the company.”

I pull open my top drawer and take the spare key to Griffin’s office. “He’s got a meeting in a couple hours. If he doesn’t come out by then, I’ll have to go in and drag him out by his ear.”

Suddenly, the door behind me swings open, and Griffin stands there in gray slacks and a black shirt. It takes every inch of willpower not to stare at him like he’s my personal runway model.

He’s nothing to me. Just a boss I kissed once.

Just the man I can’t seem to stop dreaming about, no matter how hard I try.

Griffin’s grip tightens on the door handle. “There’s no need to drag me out of the office. In fact, I need to speak with you, Cora, so if you could stop your social hour and oblige me with a meeting, I would be forever grateful.”

I’m seething as I stand, my cheeks burning bright with embarrassment. “I’ll talk to you about that contract later, Kaleigh.”

Kaleigh nods and slides off the desk, taking her coffee with her. She disappears into her own office as I enter Griffin’s and close the door behind me.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he lowers the blinds, their slats clinking softly as they descend, shrouding his glass office door in a veil of privacy.

Then he strides across the room and sits behind the white oak desk. I sit across from him, crossing one leg over the other.

Griffin is quiet for a long time, just leaning back in his chair and looking at me. I do my best to meet his gaze, not allowing him to intimidate me the way I know he is trying to do.

It’s the same thing he used to do when we were younger. He would stare at me until I backed down or broke and asked him what his problem was.