Page 87 of The Hookup Mix-up

“Yeah. I’m a bartender.”

“My friend Marshall works there. I’m surprised I haven’t seen you,” Harrison replies.

“Oh! You’re the British roommate who’s not British!” That earns another round of laughter and some more conversation before Avery makes his way to us.

“Your brother and his boyfriend just got here. They’re looking for you guys.”

“Thanks,” Theo replies.

“We’re gonna head out.” Benny upnods us. “Nice talking to you guys.”

They disappear just as Ty walks up. He’s in an angel costume, which obviously couldn’t be further from the truth. Brax is in jeans, with his black leather jacket over a T-shirt.

“You’re not dressed up,” Theo tells him.

“Yes, I am. I’m Asshole Bartender.”

“Yeah, not dressed up,” I confirm and turn to Theo. “He used to bartend at Shenanigans, and before they got together, Ty’s friends called him Asshole Bartender.”

“I remember hearing about that,” Theo responds.

“We both decided to come as ourselves,” my brother adds, fluttering his lashes and smiling like he’s trying to look like the angel he’s totally not.

“Him, yes.” I point to Ty. “You, no.”

“I thought brothers were always supposed to have each other’s backs?”

“Come on. I’ll take you to get a drink.”

“I already forgive you!” Ty sings playfully as we leave Theo and Brax together.

“Maybe some of Theo’s sunshine will rub off on Daddy B.”

“Your boyfriend better not rub off on mine. There are a lot of things I’m willing to share, but he’s not one of them.”

We fill our cups with beer. Theo and Brax aren’t where we left them, so we end up in the backyard, looking for them. I don’t know who any of the people are since they’re all in costumes, but it’s clear with all the roughhousing and dancing that everyone is having a good time.

“I’m glad you’re here,” Ty says, surprising me. We’re on the porch, just the two of us, everyone else in the grass, and…wow. Two guys are on two other guys’ shoulders, and they’re fighting. That doesn’t look real safe.

“At my boyfriend’s party?” I ask.

Ty rolls his eyes. “No, in San Luco, dumbass. Dad said he offered for you to move back to Boston. I would have understood if you did. I want you guys to get close, but I’m glad you’re here. It’s been…” He looks down like there’s suddenly something interesting in his cup. “Getting to know you, getting close to you…it’s better than I could have hoped. This isn’t easy because of Dad. I still have a lot of guilt that he was with me and not you, but you’ve never made me feel bad about that.”

Well, shit. Looks like we’re having this convo in the middle of a party, with him dressed as an angel and me a Dominant. I guess that tracks for us. “It is hard sometimes. I can’t pretend I’ve never been jealous…or wondered if there’s something wrong with me because he didn’t want me, but that’s not on you. I can’t make other people responsible for my feelings. I’m the only one responsible for those.”

“Shit, man.” Ty turns to me. “It’s not you. It was never you. You can always talk to me about that stuff. I’m here for you no matter what. And if I ever do anything to make you feel that way, I want you to tell me, and I’ll fix it.”

“I know.” There’s no doubt in my mind about that. “I’m working on it, and I feel better about everything. I think letting myself start to have a relationship with him will help. The one thing I’m sure of is that I lucked out in the brother department.”

“True.” Ty nods in agreement, a playful smile on his face, before adding, “I did too.”

I wrap my arm around him, tug him close, so damn grateful for him and Theo and all the other changes in my life since moving to San Luco.

“There you guys are,” Theo says, as we pull away. Brax comes out of the back door right behind him.

“Hey, Puppy. We were looking for the two of you.”

“Daddy tried to escape, but I wouldn’t let him,” Theo teases.