Page 85 of The Hookup Mix-up

Perry reaches over, holds my face in his hands. “I’m crazy in love with you. I never expected a hookup mix-up to be the best thing that ever happened to me, but it was. I love you, and I’m really fucking scared here that you haven’t said it back yet.”

I want to jump to my feet and do a little dance. My heart is about ready to explode in my chest, but then I’d die, and I don’t want that. “I love you too. Oh my God. I’m sorry. Dude, I’m pretty sure I totally loved you first!”

His nose wrinkles. “How do you know? What if I loved you first?” Perry snickers, and I lean in, kiss his laugh, which he immediately shares with me.

“Is that why you’re not going to Boston? I can’t let you make that decision for me. That’s not right. Perry, you have to do what’s best for you. This is your family. Maybe we can try the long-distance thing for a while, and then…I don’t know. I’m willing to try and go out there, but only if you want me to. I was only kidding when I imagined hiding in your closet until you were stuck with me.”

“Wow. Your head has been very busy since I mentioned moving.”

“I’m serious. I love you too much to let you make that decision because of me.”

He shakes his head. “Which is exactly why I love you, but that’s not the only reason I’m doing it. I like California, and I like being close to Ty. I love my mom and I miss her, and I want to get to know my dad, but I want to do those things from here. I want to try school here. I agreed to let Dad help me pay for it, but I also don’t want to be completely dependent on him. I’m too independent for that. He doesn’t love it, but he understands.”

I smile.

Really fucking big.

“Someone is happy,” Perry teases.

“I am, but if you change your mind, please tell me. I just want you, baby. I don’t care if I have to go there. I’ll do whatever it takes to be with you.”

“And I won’t have you turning your world upside down for me either. Your happiness is just as important as mine. The good thing is that it keeps us both right where we are…only I have to admit, I’m a little upset that you were willing to let me go so easily.”

“I was literally going to live under your bed.”

“I thought it was in the closet?”

I kiss him. “I don’t care where it is. As long as you’re mine.”

“I agree with that. Can we make out now?”




“I can’t believe I’m wearing this.” Theo picks up the puppy mask we got at the sex store for him to wear to the Halloween party Jack is throwing.

It’s been a whirlwind week since we admitted we’re in love.

Amazingly, Theo was able to get in with the eye specialist quickly, and he does in fact have convergence insufficiency, but they also found out he has deficient saccadic eye movements. He hasn’t started his vision therapy yet, and of course, insurance doesn’t pay for it because it would make too much sense for insurance to pay for people’s needs, but between Theo, his parents, and me, one way or another, we’ll make it happen.

Me, Dad, and Ty spent most of this week together. It’s been cool seeing Ty with our dad, the three of us getting to know each other and, well, Ty and I ganging up on him when need be. Tomorrow we’re going to lunch, with Theo and Brax too, before Dad and his wife head back to Boston. It was nice of her to let us have this much-needed time together, just the three of us.

“You have to admit it’s the perfect costume for us,” I reply, trying to latch the leather harness I’m wearing. While puppy play isn’t part of our lifestyle, we figured it would be fun for Halloween. “I’ve always wanted to be a leather daddy,” I tease.

“You’re a dork and as far away from a leather daddy as you can get.” Theo takes over for me, fastening the last part of the harness beneath my underarm.

“That’s Yes, Daddy to you!”

He pinches my nipple, making me squeal.

“You’re not being a very good puppy.”

“Can we go downstairs and party now?”

Most of the time we stay at my house because it’s quieter, but since the party is here, we decided this was the best place to get ready.