Page 58 of The Hookup Mix-up

“That’s how you make sure he knows how great you think I am?” I playfully shove him.

“That’s not the only question! It’s a Theo Pop Quiz! We’re making sure he knows you.”

“Sour Patch Kids,” Perry interrupts. “He also never eats the crust on his pizza, which is weird as fuck, likes lemonade, is a total lightweight with weed and alcohol, finds joy in making people happy and doing things for others…oh, and he likes it when I tickle his nape with my fingertips.”

My pulse thuds, the rest of the bar fading into the background, like it’s only me and Perry in the room. That was…really fucking sweet. So sweet, I don’t even know what to say.

“Damn. I’m not into guys, and I kinda want to be his boyfriend.” Avery’s words break through the trance Perry has me in.

“Swoon,” Jack adds.

Perry turns to Brax just as Ty approaches. “So…I have a boyfriend now.”

“You’ve had a boyfriend for weeks, dumbass,” Brax counters.

“That’s what we said!” Casey laughs, and then they all are—well, everyone except Brax. Does he laugh if it’s not at some shmoopy thing Ty does? I can’t say I’ve ever seen it. All I know is, I really, really like having a boyfriend, and I’m so fucking thankful it’s Perry.

“You guys want a drink?” Perry looks my way.

I shake my head, but my friends all want one. I sit beside Brax, my crew all standing around us, talking and drinking.

Perry leans over the counter so his face is closer to mine. “Missed me, huh?”

“Nah, but the guys insisted we come down here.”

“Liar.” He grins, then asks, “It seems like it went okay telling them.”

“Yeah, they asked if it was the guy I’d been dating for weeks.” I chuckle.

“Apparently, everyone else was in on something we weren’t.”


“Can I kiss you?” His gaze darts away as if he’s embarrassed he asked. I hate that he’s so unsure when it comes to real feelings, that any part of Perry fears I would say no, even if only because I’ve never dated a guy and now I’ll be kissing one in public.

The truth is, I want Perry to kiss me. I wasn’t lying when I said I want everyone to know he’s mine, even if it’s scary. “Please do.”

“I love it when you ask so nicely.” He presses his lips to mine for just a beat before pulling away. There’s not a part of me that doesn’t want more, but I guess making out over the bar counter while he’s at work probably isn’t the best idea.

“For someone who didn’t think he wanted to be a boyfriend, you sure are good at it.”

He presses his lips to mine one more time. “That’s all you, Puppy. All you.”

“Gag,” Ty says, interrupting us, just as Gwen comes over.

“You planning on working tonight or making out with your boyfriend?”

Worry bubbles in my gut before I realize there’s a smile in her voice.

“Can’t I do both?” Perry asks. “I’m a fucking fabulous multitasker.”

Gwen laughs, then ruffles his hair like he’s a kid.

“You should get to work,” I tell him. “I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Okay, but are you gonna stay at my house tonight? Because if I know I have something to look forward to, it’ll be easier to make myself work.”

My stomach does excited backflips. I love spending the night with Perry. “Yep.”