Page 43 of The Hookup Mix-up

I like being a we with Perry. I like that he thinks of us that way and that he’s just…so damn kind.

And I really want to see him. I’ve been busy with school and he with work. He’s at Shenanigans now, and since tomorrow is Friday, I’m off school for the next three days. I’m pulling for some of that dick sucking to start happening, but how does one ask their friend with benefits when they plan to blow them?

Hey, Perry, remember you said you were gonna put my dick in your mouth? Can we do that now, please?

I snicker at my ridiculous thoughts as Avery comes into the living room.

“Hey, what are you doing tonight?” I ask him. “You wanna hit up Shenanigans later?” How big of a nerd will I seem if I go by myself? I don’t want to look like I’m stalking Perry. It’ll just be a coincidence that my friends want to go to Shenanigans when he works, and then, oops, maybe I’ll go home with him and his mouth will accidentally swallow my cock. Funny how those things happen!

“I can’t, man. I have a football team get-together.”

“No worries.”

I shoot a text to Casey because he’s not home, but he has plans too, which means the only person left to ask is Jack. It’s not that I don’t want to hang out with him. He’s my boy. I love spending time with him, but he’s also gay and wants to have sex with Perry, so how do I explain it if I get all weird when Jack flirts with him? And what if Perry decides he doesn’t want to be exclusive anymore, that he’d rather have sex with Jack because Jack has more experience being with a guy and he’s not totally clueless.

On top of that, while Avery and Casey are not very observant, not much gets past Jack, and if we spent too much time together around Perry, will he realize I’m doing sex stuff with him? Good sex stuff. Great sex stuff.

“Ugh!” I bury my face in my hands.

“Everything okay?” Jack comes into the room and plops down on the couch beside me.

Yes, everything’s good, but it’s also different, and I’m having sex with a dude I can’t let myself like because I don’t want to lose his friendship. School is hard, and I don’t talk to my friends, and I’m not telling you I’m bisexual for a reason that is convoluted even in my own head.

“Yep, everything’s fine,” I say.

“Doesn’t seem like it.”

See? Avery and Casey would have never said that.

“Do you want to go to Shenanigans and chill tonight?” I’ll cross the flirtation bridge when I get to it. I just really want to see Perry tonight, and again, I don’t want to go alone.

“I’m down,” Jack says.

“Bet.” I can’t help but smile.

Shenanigans isn’t crazy-busy, which I assume is because it’s a Thursday night and most people have better things to do than hopelessly stalk the guy they’re fooling around with. Not me, though.

Perry is making drinks and doesn’t notice us. As much as I want to, I don’t head right over. I’m not that big of a dope. I’m just here with a friend to have some fun.

“Wanna sit at one of the tables?” Jack asks as Perry laughs at something the guy with orange-ish hair at the counter says. What is Orange Curls, a comedian or something? Perry sure seems to think he’s funny.

“Hello? Earth to Theo.” Jack waves his hand in front of my face, making me snap out of it. This is a very…interesting reaction that I’m having, and I don’t like it at all.

“Yeah, sorry. I spaced out for a minute. Sure, let’s sit.” I can do that. I can be at Shenanigans without wondering what Perry’s mouth will feel like on my dick.

Or if he thinks I’m funny…

We choose a table and sit down.

“How’s everything going?” Jack picks at his black-painted nails as he speaks.

“Good. Normal. Why would it be anything else?”

He looks up at me, nose crinkled in confusion, and okay, maybe I could have been a little smoother.

“You’re being weird.”

“No I’m not.”