Page 85 of Gift from the Stone

“Someone with this gift has a higher intuition when it comes to sensing the intentions of others and they’ll likely know within the first few moments of meeting someone if they care for them or not. It’s a powerful ability when faced with powerful people. They should always listen to that little inkling they get when meeting someone for the first time.

“They can dream-walk, enter the dreams of others. This permits them to forge deep connections with people when it’s not possible to meet or know them in person, offering guidance with or without informing them of the futures they’ve already seen of them.

“Lastly, when the seer activates it, there’s a spell that can be cast to show them things that have been concealed from the sights of others, but for someone who possess the sight, there’s nothing that cannot be seen.”

“Holy shit, that’s incredible. There’s no way I’ll be powerful enough to possess this gift. Wait, that old dude is supposed to teach me a concealment spell. Is that the spell you’re talking about?”

“He’d die if you called him an old dude.” The stranger laughs. “But no, my smart girl. The spell he will teach you will show you how to conceal something. The spell I’m going to tell you would reveal the things people have concealed. You know…if you possess this gift.”

“Well, get on with it. Don’t leave me in suspense.”

“Of course, filia mea. Reveal to me their disguise, show the truth through my knowing eyes.”

Swaying backward from being thrown out of the memory so fast, my back collides with a much larger body that stops me from hitting my ass. Fuck, two out of those three abilities I’ve already used, just didn’t know that they were related.

Damn it, I do have the sight.

“What happened, little wanderer?” Draken asks, gripping my hand.

“A memory just unlocked. I’m sorry to tell you all, but the sight is definitely a gift I have. And right now, I need to cast a spell and I’ve never cast one without some sort of guidance. Is it the same for all spells? Call my magic forth, say my incantation, then command it?” I ask quietly, looking at Corentin for advice.

“Yeah, princess. It’s almost always the same. What’s the spell?” he asks.

“Let’s see if I can do it first. If it works, this is not something anyone should hear,” I tell him seriously. I’ll broadcast it to Tillman, and then he can relay the message.

Closing my eyes, my magic glows the moment I call for it. “Reveal to me their disguise, show the truth through my knowing eyes.”

Releasing my breath, I slowly peel my eyes back open, flinching at the sight around Caspian. Turning around in a quick circle, all of them are strapped to the brim with weapons.

“Why do you all have so many damn knifes and I have nothing?” I whisper-yell.

“How can you see that, Primary?” Caspian asks, gripping my chin, forcing my eyes to his.

The sight allows me to see what others have concealed.

“Everyone touch me,” Tillman orders.

“This is a really inappropriate time, dude,” Draken jokes as he lays his hand somewhere on Tillman, causing me to snort.

“Fuck,” they all say in awe.

“There’s more, but that’ll have to wait. I’m pretty sure when I turn around, our first assumptions of the finalists are going to be correct.”

“I’m sorry, little warrior,” Tillman says, laying a hand on my stomach. Glancing over my shoulder, his stricken face tells me he doesn’t want to ask me to use this ability here, but he knows I have to.

“Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything. We all have our jobs and responsibilities today. This will just become mine. I’ll stay close to you and point them out as we go.” Leaning down, he gives me a quick and hungry kiss, pouring his pride into me with each swipe of his tongue.

“Okay, Will. Tell us what you see,” he orders gently as he steps back, turning us so we switch positions.

“Huh, would you look at that. From left to right, all thick like his was. One, three, five, seven, nine.” I can see it clear as day.

The M marked on each of their chests above their hearts, all thickened like Jarod’s. And just like that, we know there’s a fifty percent chance the Mastery could have another in the Alpha position of this pack.

“Good girl. Let’s walk around a little. It’s not unusual for shifters, at least males, to be shirtless,” Corentin orders, lifting my hand to his lips.

These gifts of mine sure can scare the fuck out of me sometimes and even though I know I’m powerful, I still have a hard time remembering it until times like this when they look at me with such admiration and devotion. They believe in me, and I’ve got to start believing in myself more. Walking through the slew of people, we grow closer to the platform the finalists are standing on and I can’t help it as my gaze falls on Lyker. There’s such a familiarity about him, like looking at a long-lost friend, and it chokes me up knowing what could happen to him very soon.

Almost as if he can sense my stare, he looks me dead in my eyes, just like he did in my vision, and I only hold it for a second before quickly adverting my gaze.