Page 74 of Gift from the Stone

“Not necessarily improve. I’m going to treat you the same either way, but it would help so I know where to focus on most and how to approach teaching you. How your animal typically reacts to other animals, its fighting techniques, its hierarchy on the shifter tier, are all attributes that could help me sharpen your skills more,” he reasons.

I look over at Tillman, knowing good and well he’s reading his thoughts. When his eyes meet mine, I know he didn’t hear anything alarming.

“Draken,” Tillman hollers, calling him over. “Give us a minute, Vince.”

“What do you want to do, Will?” he asks as soon as Draken comes to stand with us.

“I mean, I think it’s hilarious letting him continue to stew in his nosiness, but at the same time, will him knowing really hurt anything or will he be able to help me more knowing what I am?” I ask.

“What did you hear?” Corentin asks Tillman discreetly.

“He’s loyal to the bone, as he’s always been. He’s just genuinely curious and he has the best intentions of teaching her,” Tillman answers confidently.

“And what about the gator? Should we be concerned he’s already said something about her power?” Corentin follows up and Tillman shakes his head.

“No. He’s more concerned about her than anything. His friendship with Draken has given him a sense of associated worry over her.”

“Aww, how sweet,” I comment sincerely, earning myself three stern looks.

Jealous damn men.

“Are you comfortable with them knowing, little wanderer?” Draken asks.

“I have no issue with it as long as you all don’t. I’m not really the one who truly understands the dangers of being a powerful being here, you all are, so I just follow your lead.”

I’m not naïve or ignorant when it comes to the fact that my level of power, my Memoria stone, and being their true Primary definitely puts me in a top spot for some interest to the Mastery, but how the rest of the elite work and move in Elementra is still something new to me. I really have no clue how it’ll affect me. I just know the guys don’t want them to know.

“Fine. He may be our close friend, but you’ll keep tabs on his thoughts when it comes to her,” Corentin orders, to which Tillman looks at him like an ass for stating the obvious.

“Now that that’s settled, how should I tell them?” I ask eagerly, bouncing on my toes. I love a good surprise.

“You can shift, kitten. Well, not a full shift, not here, but you can partially shift,” Draken says.

“I’ve only ever done that twice. Both times she brought that on.”

“Well, that can be his first lesson,” Corentin declares, steering me over to where Vince and Walker are standing.

“All done with your secret meeting?” Vince asks sarcastically.

He’s apparently very comfortable with the guys because gone is the professor persona from yesterday, and in front of me is just a normal laid-back guy.

“I’d like for you to teach me to partially shift,” I say nonchalantly. His eyes widen for a split second, giving away his own excitement, then they narrow, looking for the trap.

“If you do that, I’ll know your animal.”

“We’re aware,” Corentin replies sternly.

“Okay then. Have you ever partially shifted before?” Vince asks enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together.

“Yes, but neither time did I initiate it, she did.”

“Good, then your body already knows the feel of it. Partially shifting isn’t the difficult part. The difficult part is making sure your animal doesn’t push a full shift on you. Sometimes their excitement to get free can overwhelm your senses. So your intentions need to be clear and stern. Take a minute and focus on that, set a firm boundary with your animal,” he instructs.

Blocking everyone out, I focus on my dragon. She perks her head up, almost like she knew I needed her. Doing as Vince said, I push my intentions toward her, but not being stern or firm like he said. So far, our relationship has truly been one of understanding each other. Those two times she did take over, were both with high emotions. Possessiveness and lust. Right now, she’s calm, ready to go with the flow.

A feeling of understanding filters from her to me, and I nod at him. I already know. I can feel it. She’s not going to push. She’s going to be right here to guide me with him.

“Good, now call your animal forward and picture your skin being coated with their skin, your hands shifting into their paws or what have you. When they come to the surface, infuse their presence with your magic and let the transformation take over, but don’t let it go further than what I just said,” he directs.