The three of us stay in Corentin’s office for the remainder of break and lunch, Willow bouncing back and forth between the two of us, soaking up our affection before we head over to the training fields.
I know both her and her bond are craving the touch, but every stroke of her hand on my chest has my cock growing rock hard and my mouth watering with the need to have her taste on my tongue. The little bit I’ve had of her was nowhere near enough. I need it all. I want her panting under me every day.
Thankfully she wants to walk to the training fields. It gives me some time to get my raging boner under control and get my mind back into instructor mode. I love my role, I really do, but life is different now with her here, and not gonna lie, sometimes I’d rather just lie around with her.
Watching her tilt her head up to the sun, twirling around, does nothing for my desire, but it does fill me with a sense of admiration and determination. She’s so fucking strong. I don’t want this path that’s laid out for us to break that wonder, her spirit.
As soon as we crest the hill, the first thing we see is Oakly, standing toe to toe with Gima and two of her little friends. A yelling match takes place as Oakly’s guys hold her back.
“Damn it,” me and Corentin both mumble as Willow charges ahead. At that exact moment, Draken and Caspian emerge out of the shadows beside us, falling right into step as we make our way to catch up to her.
“The only reason you’re still allowed in this class is because of Willow, Germ. So watch your fucking mouth.” Oakly snarls.
“Corentin never would’ve kicked me out and my father would never stand for it. He’ll be mine when he’s done toying with that Nexus thieving whore,” Gima replies as we walk up.
As quickly as I can, I snatch Willow up around her waist. Those silver eyes flash to purple and back faster than the others can catch, but I know she’s getting ready to rip this bitch apart.
“Make no fucking mistake, Gima, you’re only here because Willow said not to kick you out. You nor your father have any sway over me, and it’s best you both remember who I am,” Corentin says in a loud, deadly tone, taking a step closer to Gima, forcing her to back up.
“If I hear one more word from your mouth about my Primary, you won’t just be out of the E.F.’s recruitment, you’ll be out of this fucking academy quicker than your daddy can blink. I don’t want you. I’ll never want you, nor will any of my brothers. Now fuck off before I change my mind and send your ass crying back to him.”
Gima’s breathing is hard, and I can see the flames burning in her eyes. I try to push my gift into her mind to see what the fuck she’s thinking, but I’m blocked out by a gift far stronger than her own.
It seems her posh, thinks he’s a god, of a father, decided to armor his little nightmare with some defenses to protect those nasty little persuasive thoughts from being heard. I could easily break through it, but that’d cause more trouble than it’s worth right now. Talk about a shit storm for Corentin and my aunt.
“We’ll see about that,” she promises darkly, turning on her heel and stomping off in the direction of the gym.
That little stalker is going to be more of an issue than we assumed.
“Still think you should’ve been the bigger person? I think you should just get rid of the bitch and be done with it,” Oakly remarks as she glares at Gima’s retreating form. But Willow’s paying no mind right now. Her sole focus is on Corentin.
“Are you okay?” she asks him softly, running her hands up and down his chest when he cages her into me.
“Don’t worry about me, princess. If she even looks at you in any way, you tell me, and I’ll take care of it.” He leans down, silencing her with his lips.
Her thoughts are swirling complaints. She wants to argue with him about not worrying over him, but I know he won’t hear it. He doesn’t like to think about Willow taking care of him, anyone taking care of him, so he’ll avoid it and distract her any way he can. Like he’s currently doing.
“Go on, trouble one and two. Go get ready for class,” Ry says and Willow untangles herself from us with a huff.
I expected his smart-ass comment to piss Oakly off, but instead, she just giggles right along with Willow as they make their way to the gym. Us following closely behind to make sure no shit pops off in the changing rooms again.
Willow’s Memoria stone unlocking the bits of her training she had prior to coming here has given her the leg up and confidence she needed to start absorbing everything I’ve been teaching her. She still has a lot to learn, but she’s leaps and bounds ahead of where she was when our training first started.
All class, I had her paired with Oakly, trying to help her catch up to where Willow is so she’d be able to join us on the Terravile trip. I don’t want to piss Willow or Ry off, but I refuse to let Oakly join us if she doesn’t have enough training down pat to protect herself. They may be mad at me about that threat, but they’d be even madder if she were to get hurt.
“Did you let her take you down that morning or did she really get the best of you?” Caspian asks, lifting his whiskey to his lips.
Following the nightly routine we’ve adapted when we’re all here, we came home after classes, spent time together outside watching Willow practice all three of her elements since she can only use her air at the academy, then dinner. Now the four of us are in the lounge, while she takes a bath.
“I could’ve stopped her, but I wanted to see what she was going to do. I didn’t expect her to sweep my ass off my feet, though.” I smile, pride seeping through my words.
I think she had an extra boost of power from the Memoria stone that morning ’cause I’m a big fucker to knock down, but for the most part, she’s still graceful and fast on her feet, and she’d be able to do that to someone smaller than me with no issue.
“Why do you think her stranger taught her how to fight, even just the basics?” Draken asks.
“Either because they knew she’d end up here and would need it or to protect herself better against her father and that fucker. Maybe both. Based on what Elementra said about her stone, there’s a ton of information stored in there, waiting for her to unlock. All kinds of shit she’s already learned that would help her now to know,” Caspian spits out. His resentment for this situation is evident in his voice.
“I can’t sense the block on her mind. I’ve looked, multiple times. That’s how powerful that damn stone is,” I tell them.