Pressing my lips into a firm line, I turn on my heel, stomping away from his grumpy ass. I only make it two steps before he tugs me against the hard press of his chest.
“Get off me, Corentin. I’m going to get ready for my test like you ordered.”
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I’m concerned about the attention you’re going to start getting with your power increasing and my bond is driving me crazy. I can’t think straight. It’s overprotective, angry, and jealous, erasing all logical thought. I’m struggling between locking you away in the mansion or in my office all day with just me,” he confesses.
My anger deflates with his words, and I relax into his arms, laying my head on his chest. The tension in his shoulders slowly escapes him, like air leaking from a balloon.
“You should’ve told me. You’ve seen me battle my bond. I still battle it almost every day, and you’ve helped me every step of the way. I’d do the same for you, Corentin.”
“I know, princess, but my feelings aren’t your responsibility. I’m supposed to be making this easier for you, not harder.”
Although we aren’t bonded, I try to push my gratitude and appreciation for him through the bond that will connect to him. He’s always so worried about taking care of everyone else, he neglects himself.
“That’s not how this works. I’m still trying to learn how to navigate the four of you, but never think that you need to shove your feelings aside for them or for me. Promise me you’ll start telling me when your bond pushes you.”
“I’ll try harder. It’s not that easy for me, Willow.”
I know he struggles with being in control of everything. It’s something that’s deeply ingrained in him. He might not be able to promise me that he’ll start being more open, but I can promise myself to pay more attention when he needs me. Of course, I can’t tell him that. He’ll be offended and tell me no, but it’s a silent secret I plan to hold myself accountable too.
“I know. We’ll figure it out.” I say quietly.
Giving my forehead a sweet kiss, he takes my hand and leads me over to where the others were giving us a little space. As we approach, I see Ry in the middle of them, cutting up and beaming at me as we walk up.
“There’s my favorite student. Ready to show me what you got?”
“Really? This is the unbiased instructor?” I ask, cocking my eyebrow at Corentin.
“He’s unbiased…enough.”
“You’ll get no preferential treatment from me.” I may have believed him if he wasn’t smiling or if he wasn’t a member of my best friend’s Nexus, but both of those things are the truth, so I know he’ll give me preferential treatment.
“Let’s do this then.” I walk ahead of my guys beside Ry, stopping as we crest the hill at the training fields.
Holy shit.
The fields have been completely transformed into three sections of obstacles, like an air element tournament.
The first section is a zone that has unpredictable whirlwinds of air swirling about, creating dynamic and constantly changing currents. Another section has targets and rings that are elevated or hidden behind objects. The last section is an intricate course filled with earth walls ranging from a couple feet to at least fifteen maybe twenty feet in the air.
“We’re going to start at the Whirlwind Zone. Since it’s easier to manipulate air that’s already been created, if you fail there, there’s no point moving forward.”
Jokingly, I gasp dramatically and hold my hand to my chest. “You don’t think I’ll pass. Thanks for the vote of confidence, asshole.”
“I have no doubt you can do it, but it’s what we tell all the fourth years. Gets them nervous enough so we can see if they choke. So what you’re going to do is use your control over the air and navigate through these whirlwinds and reach the other side,” he says, waving his hand at me in a ‘get going’ motion.
“That’s it? Those are my instructions. It doesn’t matter how I control them, just control them and move through?”
Shrugging, he crosses his arms over his chest.
“Yep, pretty much.”
Well, okay then.
Stepping into the zone, there are twenty whirlwinds between me and the other side. They reach up to my hip in height, stretching to around the length of my body and are swirling in a controlled fast pace. Nothing too crazy or dangerous.
I hover my hand over the first one, calling my element out to get a feel of the strength behind the turning winds. A subtle vibration flows through me, an instinctual connection to the very essence of the air.
I’ve never been a cocky person. I try to stay humble, but I almost laugh at the lack of force behind these winds. I don’t know if this is truly what the fourth years are up against or the guys somehow set this up to be easier for me, but either way, the force of all twenty of the whirlwinds is no challenge for my element.