Page 33 of Gift from the Stone

I’d be able to tell it from anywhere. I’ve spent so much of my life in only its company, I have every feature memorized. Running my fingers gently over the silverish-green leaves, I push my way through the cascading branches that reach down toward the ground, creating a living canopy that forms a private, peaceful sanctuary.

I take a seat at the trunk, leaning my head back and closing my eyes, basking in the feeling of home and peace.

“Welcome, Willow.”

My eyes fly open, frantically looking around, but no one’s there. The only way I know for sure I’m not alone is the very air is infused with ancient power and wisdom. It’s so strong, it’s tangible.

“Do not fret, Willow, no harm will come to you here.”

“Who are you? Where are you?” I jump to my feet, running around the tree, looking for signs of the person responsible for the voice, but no one’s here. I’m alone.

“I am everything and nothing. I am everywhere and nowhere. I am Elementra.”

What the fuck?

The atmosphere seems to vibrate, the ground shaking subtly, and a whimsical hum permeates the air.

“Are you laughing? Was that a laugh?”

Shit, I must be losing my mind.

“You’re not losing your mind, Willow. This is real, very real. And yes, I was laughing. The way language has progressed has always amused me.”

“What? You can read my mind?” I ask accusingly.

What the hell, Willow. Don’t talk to the creator of this whole realm like that. Shit, she can hear me. I’m so sorry.

“I’ve been watching you your whole life, Ultima unum. I knew you, generations before you were even born. There isn’t a thought you could think that’d surprise or offend me.”

“How’s that possible? I just arrived here from the nonmagical realm.”

“You’re a being of Elementra, Willow. No realm could block you from my sight.”

“That doesn’t make any sense. I’ve never been to Elementra until now,” I argue lightly.

“That’s correct. You’ve never been to Elementra, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a being of mine.”

“I still don’t understand,” I declare. Completely confused.

“I know, but you will with time, but that’s not for you to know now.”

“Can I know where we are?” I ask.

“In the deepest recesses of your mind. You’ve been asleep for a while now. Traveling to this part of your unconsciousness takes some time to reach.”

“How long is a while? I could feel your pull as soon as I shifted back into my human form.”

“Yes, once you shifted and your third element broke free, it was time I spoke with you. It’s been two days.”

“Two days? Oh shit, the guys. They—”

“Have done what any Nexus should and haven’t left your side. You’ll reunite with them soon enough.”

Blowing out my breath, all I can do is nod. I know she says this is real, but what if I’m sick or in some kind of coma? I’ve heard of shit like this happening back in the nonmagical realm.

As soon as the thought crosses my mind, she releases a burst of power, and my vision blurs much like it did when I performed the dimension spell. The fabric of my unconsciousness opens up, and I watch clip after clip of myself growing up. None of the traumatic shit I experienced, but just of me, traveling through the stages of my life.

“Okay then, this is real. Two days, fuck, okay. This is both terrifying and thrilling. I have so many questions. From what I’ve learned, very few people in the history of Elementra have been contacted by you. The closest any have reached is through their awakenings. That means you have something to tell me or maybe I’ve done something wrong. Have I done something wrong?”