“Like a new woman. I’m not drained in the slightest, physically or mentally.”
I was a little dizzy right after the diversion spell wore off, but that’s completely subsided now that Gaster made me a healing tonic and fixed me a delicious spring salad.
“Wonderful. How about we relax for a little while? The boys will still be a few, so we should enjoy the peace and quiet.” Gaster smiles as he closes his eyes and leans his head back on the rocking chair. Laughing my agreement, I mimic him and make myself comfortable.
Before I can doze off into a little midday nap, my Memoria stone begins heating up against my chest. Anticipation and excitement flare within me as I slowly reach up and grip it.
Air, Earth, Water, Fire so bright,
Four elements, pure and right.
Air we breathe, wise and sweet,
Earth stands strong, soil beneath our feet.
Water flows, broken and whole,
Fire’s warmth feeds the soul.
Remember these, with joy and cheer,
The elements become one, the world becomes clear.
The bright light of a memory unlocking steals my vision and I’m thrown back in time to see myself and my stranger standing in the clearing.
“Hell yeah, Willow, great job!”
“Language. But thanks. You know, if I could practice more, like when you can’t be here, I’d be further along with my elements by now.” A much younger teenage me sasses as I toss a dirt ball up and down in my hand.
“It’s not safe when I’m not here. You know this.”
“Yes, I know. You’ve explained it a gazillion times. I just don’t like having my elements bound for most of the day. It doesn’t feel right.”
“I know it doesn’t, especially for someone as strong as you are, but it won’t always be this way. I promise. Now I need to tell you something about someone you are going to meet one day.”
“Who?” I ask excitedly.
“He’s a very important person. He’s full of wisdom and knowledge, smarter and older than any other I know, and he’ll teach you everything you need to know, with some help, that is.”
“I don’t understand why you can’t teach me everything I need to know now. Why do I have to wait and meet some old dude?” I pout, stomping my foot, letting my dirt ball fall to the ground.
“I’ve told you, Willow, everyone has a role to play. That old dude will play a very big role in your life, and it’ll be his job to teach you these things.”
“But you’ll be there too, so why don’t you just teach me now?”
“That’s just not the way it works, filia mea.”
“Fine. How will I even know when to say it if you can’t tell me that either?” I mouth off, rolling my eyes and kicking the dirt with the toe of my shoe. I’m tired of being told nothing.
“I’ll make sure you know when the time is right. Don’t worry about that. I’ll guide you every step of the way. And you’re not saying it, you’re asking him to teach you something.”
“Tell me again, please,” I say. Obviously, I didn’t pay attention the first time I was told.
“One day, he’s going to teach you a very valuable spell, a spell you’ll be able to carry forward with you for the rest of your life. Then you both will fall into a comfortable, relaxing, afternoon bliss—”
“I find this hard to believe. Nothing about my life is any of those things unless I’m here with you. Father lives to torture me. I don’t understand why I can’t leave with you.” My lip pokes out and trembles as my eyes become glossy.
“Hey, hey, none of that. I’m sorry I can’t do more, Willow, I truly am. If I could change this, I would in a heartbeat. I’d take you home with me and we’d never look back, but this is the only way.”