I hate the fact she’s this way because she’s always had to be, not because she wants to be. She either had to bounce back or give up, and she’ll never give up. It’s written in every fabric of her being that quitting on herself isn’t an option.
“Eager to spy on us, are you, little Primary?” Caspian picks lightly as he steps out of the walls of the mansion by the patio table. He doesn’t look as murderous as earlier, and the teasing tone he’s using with Willow is a good sign.
“Very funny. I’m not going to spy on any of you without your permission. Plus, I’m sure you all have a block,” she says with an eye roll.
“You can spy on me, little wanderer. I give you all the permission.” Draken winks.
Elementra, help her having to listen to his thoughts all day.
“Yes, we can work on your gift. And yes, we all usually have a block in place, but I, for the most part, have access to their minds even with their blocks up, I just don’t pry unless their thoughts are broadcast loudly or it’s necessary. I’m sure you’ll be the same way,” Tillman tells her. And I have no doubt he’s right.
It was a nightmare when his gift first emerged. One, Gaster and my uncle were trying to teach him how to block everyone’s thoughts from his mind, but until they successfully did that, he called our asses out about everything that filtered through to him. It didn’t matter the thought; he’d arrogantly flaunt it.
Two, I was still learning how to control my own gift and element, so I struggled to learn how to put up a block to keep his ass from hearing and reading my thoughts. Caspian didn’t stand a chance until his own shit emerged, then he locked his mind up tight.
“Where do we start? I’d really like to learn how to pinpoint reading one person’s thoughts at a time, like I can do my dominance,” she exclaims excitedly.
“We’ll start with all of us lowering our blocks, one at a time so the noise isn’t overwhelming, and you can practice on us. Draken, do you even have your block up?” Tillman asks, cocking his eyebrow.
“Nope. I wanted her to hear me first, so I was ready,” he replies smugly.
Snorting, Tillman shakes his head. “Okay, little warrior, picture yourself turning the volume back up and see if Draken filters in.”
I see her concentrate hard, then her face blooms red, lips parting on a gasp. Draken’s smiling from ear to fucking ear, so whatever he just thought was obviously dirty and I can’t help but run my thumb across my bottom lip, hiding my own smile.
“Yep, yep, I can hear him clearly,” she stutters out, frazzled.
“All right, Draken, enough, put your block up. Focus on me, Will,” Tillman orders.
She takes a moment, staring into his eyes. Unlike the flustered reaction she had with Draken, with Tillman, her eyes mist and she smiles like he just promised her the world, which knowing him, that’s exactly what he did.
“Corentin,” Tillman orders.
I try my damnedest to think of sweet, happy things, block out the sexual thoughts, the overwhelming thoughts of the day, everything that needs to get done, my new fears after what I watched her go through at Terravile, but it seems the harder I try to push them out, the harder they push forward.
Even focusing on the well aware smirk playing on her face doesn’t work, so I slam my block back in place. This is why I keep it up.
Unlike Tillman, I’ve never mastered how to quiet my mind. The thoughts, plans, to-do lists, needs of the Nexus, needs of the academy, everything’s constantly running through my mind.
“Always working overtime,” she remarks lightly, running her hand down my chest.
“Caspian,” I grunt, turning her attention to him and off me. We both struggle with the idea of someone hearing inside of our minds, but I did it, so he has to as well. Willow doesn’t hesitate for a second, stepping right into his space, and his shadows wrap around her, pulling her close.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” she says, running her fingers through his shadows.
“Go ahead and try, little Primary,” he orders softly.
His gaze bores into hers. Tenderness warring with restraint. It took him a lot to trust that Tillman wouldn’t overstep any of his boundaries when it came to reading his thoughts, and they’re brothers, so I know he’s struggling with that same decision right now, but I have no doubt she’ll respect his space. After a small smile and a nod, she slowly backs away.
“Now what?” she asks Tillman.
“We’ll all lower our blocks together. Try pushing us out individually and just focus on hearing one of us,” he instructs. At his nod, we all lower our blocks.
Willow sharply inhales, shaking her head a little as our voices penetrate her mind. It won’t be nearly as loud as the gym was, but with us being a Nexus and our current surrounding position, it’s going to be overwhelming.
“I can separate you by your voices, but I can’t seem to figure out how to push you out one by one. Damn, you guys are so loud,” she states, closing her eyes and focusing.
“Imagine our voices as books in your library. Take one book at a time and put it back on the shelf. Start with whichever you want. The loudest, quietest, just pick one, close it up and slide it onto the shelf,” Tillman instructs quietly, not to interrupt her focus.