“Breathtaking,” Tillman whispers and I shoot him a bashful smile as I look around the still empty room.
“Where is everyone?” I ask.
“I have something to show you. If you are up to it,” he says nervously, extending his hand out for me to take.
Very rarely, only twice actually, have I seen the stead-fast, self-assured persona of Tillman’s drop; both times we were in highly emotional situations, so for him to be emitting so much nervousness now, I know whatever it is, is important to him.
“I’d love to.” I smile. Wrapping his much larger hand around mine, he pulls me close, whisking us away through a transport.
I gasp as we step out into the middle of his treehouse. Small embers are burning in the never-ending fireplace, chasing away the cool night breeze, and candles are scattered about, casting a small glow around the room that reveals the darkened silhouettes of the trees outside the panoramic windows. Where the tree once continued to grow through the floor and out the top of the treehouse has been replaced with the bed, hanging from vines directly under the open canopy.
“Tillman, this is amazing. How did you have time to do this?” I ask him breathlessly as I tilt my head up to stare at the stunning view of the millions of stars in the night sky.
“Draken and Corentin helped while you were in the bath,” he tells me as he watches me move around the space.
“And Caspian?”
“We left him behind in charge of watching you,” he says with a small smirk.
“Sneaky ghost. I’m sure that’s exactly what he did too,” I say, rolling my eyes, causing Tillman to let out one of his rare, hypnotizing laughs.
“He did help with something, though,” he says vaguely.
Walking over to the small desk that sits in the corner of the treehouse, he grabs something out of the top drawer. Anticipation, happiness, and desire all replace the nervousness I felt from him earlier, and my emotions feed off of his, leaving me slightly bouncing on my toes and squirming in place as he comes to stand in front of me.
Slowly, he glides his hands around my wrist, and his element coats my skin for a moment before he pulls his hands away, revealing the most gorgeous bracelet I’ve ever laid my eyes on.
The delicate silver conforms to my wrist, its quality so light and airy, I barely feel it sitting on my skin. Split down the middle is an intricate design that flows all the way around the bracelet. At first glance, it looks like the swirling pattern is made of some sort of clear gem, but upon further inspection, I feel its cool touch and see that it’s moving. I quickly realize it’s water, like a river flowing through the bracelet.
Turning my wrist, controlled bursts of flames flicker into existence, dancing within the depths of the embedded, crushed shades of purple gems that make up the foundation of the bracelet. Tears begin to well in my eyes when his words start to make sense.
“You used everyone’s element to make this for me,” I whisper.
“You can carry around a piece of us with you wherever you are. I molded it on your wrist, and I’ve reinforced it, so nothing will break it,” he tells me as he runs his fingers around my wrist softly.
Throwing myself at him, I wrap my arms around his neck and slam my lips to his, pouring my love and appreciation for his gift into the kiss. This is so personal and perfect, and they all contributed to making it special, just for me.
“Tillman, I love it. It’s absolutely perfect. Thank you so much,” I say as I break our kiss.
“You deserve the world, Willow. What you did for me in the arena…” he trails off.
“I’d do it a thousand times again if it means I’ll always have you.”
“I’m yours, little one,” he swears.
Falling into the depths of those emerald eyes, I see his fierce love for me, but I also see his guilt staring back. He’s beating himself up, despite everything I’ve told him, he’s once again blaming himself for something he can’t control. I don’t want his unwarranted guilt.
There’s something he can control that I want from him, though.
“Then make me yours, Tillman,” I command, my voice laced with my desire for him, all of him.
I hold my breath, watching as the meaning behind my words sink into his mind, and his eyes go from loving and tender, to hungry and heated in seconds.
Slowly sliding me down his body, he grips my hips as I get my balance, tracing his hands up my sides and undoing the rope keeping my robe closed in one smooth motion.
As he takes a step back, separating us, I unconsciously try to take a step forward, wanting the heat of his body pressed back against mine, but I find I can’t. Vines have snaked their way up my calves and wrist, locking me in place as another set grips the collar of my robe, pulling it off until it pools at my feet on the floor.