Page 92 of Gift from the Stone

Although he isn’t deterred in the slightest over it, he’s forcing his water down throats and caging their heads in water bubbles as he moves through the slew of people as if he’s dancing in the wind. Every move is perfectly calculated and deadly. He’s completely in his element, and it should worry me he’s so comfortable doing this, but instead, I’m in awe. It’s like watching the god of revenge take back what’s rightfully his.

Corentin’s moving swiftly in and out of the light, disappearing and emerging so much I can hardly keep my eyes trained on him, but every time I look for him, I find him looking at me, keeping me locked in his sights.

Draken’s a fucking beast and my dragon purrs in my chest, appreciating the way her mate’s showing off his strength, wreaking havoc on these lower scale shifters. He’s giving no mercy as he commands shifters to bow at his feet, slicing through throats and frying any who come within his reach.

Lastly, I see Tillman. He’s right in the middle of everything, standing a few feet in front of Lyker. Left and right, he’s sending people flying with his earth element. There’s no command he could cast that wouldn’t listen to him. Standing inches above everyone else around him, he’s a formidable fortress, and no one can penetrate his walls.

The air fills with the smell of blood, and the noise is a booming roar bouncing off the walls of the arena. This is a full-fledged battle. My muscles are screaming at me, but my elements flow freely through my veins and my feet are swift as I try to fight my way to join Tillman.

Oakly’s holding her own, casting out whips of water, slashing fur right off the backs of shifters. Nikoli, San, and Jamie are all around her, fighting tooth and nail, trying to move closer to where Ry is more in the middle with Tillman and Lyker’s Nexus.

There are so many more shifters, other than wolves, now in their animal forms. I knew they were all Mastery, but I can’t tell if all the non-shifted we’re fighting are a part of the society as well or just pissed off pack members, but regardless, if they’re here fighting against us, they’re the enemy, and we aren’t pulling our punches for their sake.

I’m only a few feet away from Tillman when my ass gets sent flying backward, out of the ring that’s been created surrounding them. My air shoots out of me, slowing my descent and I’m back to charging ahead as soon as my feet touch dirt.

A few strides in, everything begins moving in slow motion. The chaos in front of me transforms into a slow rolling scene as my vision grows hazy.

Fuck, this is not a good time sight.

I’m kind of in the middle of something.

It doesn’t matter how hard I try to push the vision off, trying to force my way back to where I was, the sight pushes harder.

Tillman’s standing a few feet in front of Lyker and his brothers, battling hard to protect his back, when in slow motion, I watch as a dagger soars through the open space, impaling him right in his chest. A mound of shifters descend, piling on top of him, tearing him limb from limb.

No, no, no. That’s not what’s supposed to happen.

Show me alternatives now!

The scenes begin to rapidly fire across my mind. Any scenario where Tillman’s hit with the dagger, he dies. A terrible, gruesome death.

My ears are ringing with the sound of Tillman’s screams. Still trapped in my daze-like vision state, tears drip down my face and I can taste bile collecting in my mouth. The knowledge that Tillman is about to die is causing my body to become physically ill. I won’t survive that. Our Nexus won’t carry on without him.

Please, there must be another way…

A powerful, commanding growl fills the air. The shifters and wolves that are ambushing Lyker and his brothers hit the ground, bowing their heads, whimpering. Lyker turns on his heel, looking around, when suddenly, in slow motion, I watch as a dagger soars through the open space, impaling him right in his chest.

He pulls the dagger out and looks at it before slamming to his knees, clutching his chest, his healing never kicking in. I watch as black goop pours from the wound. No, not goop, tar. He looks right into my eyes, his brothers kneeling around him, screaming for healing vials and holding a shirt to his wound. He slumps forward, their arms catching him before he faceplants the ground.

It doesn’t matter that I’m here with the cure. The dagger embeds deep enough into his chest, that it pierces his heart. We don’t have enough time to stop both the deadly poison and the damage done to his heart. He’s going to die regardless.

No, no, no, this isn’t right. I’ve prepared. I’ve been planning this moment out for weeks as best as I could to save him. And now it’s showing me either Tillman must die, or Lyker does. It’s an obvious choice for me, but absolute fucking carnage will ensue with either scenario.

Please, one more way, show me what to do.

There’s only one alternative to keep either scenario from coming true and the sight won’t show me how it ends. I’ll be going in blind, not knowing the outcome of what I just watched.

My vision clears and the arena is still moving at a snail’s pace. The visions may have felt like minutes to me, but only milliseconds have truly passed. As time seems to catch up, the thunder of shouts and snarls fill my ears, and bodies are back to throwing vicious attacks.

Fear has my feet frozen in my spot as the life I’ve just started begins filtering through my thoughts. Oakly, my sister, born through a bond rather than blood. Standing beside me through thick and thin in our short time together. I can see us growing old, continuing to cause trouble for our Nexuses. Gaster, the strongest familial love I’ve ever known. His wisdom and protective care over me wraps my heart in a warm blanket.

And most importantly, my loving Nexus. Their fierce, overprotective, and possessive ways that light my body aflame. Their hungry gazes morph into soft caresses. The way they’ve supported me, taught me, and cared for me since coming here despite the challenges we’ve already faced together. I’m going to spend the rest of my life with them, learning and growing as we go. This battle won’t take that away from me.

Deep breath.

On my exhale, I take off, my feet pounding into the blood-soaked sand as I push myself back to the large gathering of bodies in the center. A small rumble builds in the depths of my chest. Building and building, stronger by the second, but I keep a lock on it as I push all my dominance into the budding power that wants to escape my throat.

“Picture in your mind who you want to direct your dominance at. If it’s a large group, focus your mind on eliminating those you don’t want to be influenced by your power. Once they’re directed out of your aim, then release your command. A command strong enough will keep a weaker shifter locked in a stasis for many hours or until you release them.”