“Draken, you slept beside me last night. It’s Tillman’s turn.” She laughs, shaking her head at him.
“I’m not saying I have to sleep beside you, but I need to be able to touch you, and he’s in the way.” He throws his hands up, offended she isn’t defending him.
Stepping through the shadows, they all turn their heads to me.
Fuck, I didn’t expect it to be some sort of spectacle.
“Any room left for me, Primary?” I ask teasingly, trying to hide the ball of doubt trying to lodge in my throat.
“Fuck yes! Tillman, move your big ass,” Draken hollers, hopping up and attempting to roll Tillman away from Willow, causing all of us to laugh.
“Calm down, Draken. I’ll move,” Corentin offers, leaning up and giving her a kiss on the cheek before scooting over to make room for me.
Always the same with Corentin. I’m thirty-three years old, and he still sacrifices everything for me, for us, just like when we were kids. I have no doubt he’d move this whole fucking realm if it meant taking care of us.
Crawling in, I give his shoulder a squeeze, my silent thanks for being here for me. I can feel her gaze drilling into the side of my face, and I know if I look at her right now, she’ll see right through me, she’ll see I needed her as badly as she needed me.
“You’re really staying? The whole night?” Her words are choked, and I know she’s about to get emotional over this.
“I’m not going anywhere, Primary.” Pulling her into my arms, I gently kiss her forehead, taking a minute to breathe in her sweet coffee scent.
Like the perfect Primary she is, she doesn’t question it, doesn’t ask if I’m okay or if I want to talk about it right now. She just looks at me like I hung the moon for her and slowly cuddles into my chest.
Letting my eyes drift shut, as the noise in the room quiets down and her breathing becomes deeper with her soft snores blowing on my chest, I fall into the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in eighteen years.
Time to go.
To say I’m a bundle of nerves would be an understatement. I’m freaking out. Standing, plastered as close to the guys as I can get, everyone who’s joining us on the trip is here in the training gym, bags packed, ready to go at the crack ass of dawn. It’s only supposed to be a two-day trip.
I don’t even know what I packed.
After I showered and got ready this morning, I drifted so deeply into my mind, all I recall is passing my bag to Corentin with a shaky hand and dazed eyes. He gave me a soft smile, went through my bag, then headed back into my closet, so I obviously left some things out that he had to go back for.
All I can think about is Lyker’s intense battle, followed up by a deadly dagger to the chest, and the wails of his brothers ringing in my ears. Between the visions I’ve had of him and my almost nightly dreams, it’s imperative today goes according to plan.
“Are you ready, child?” Gaster’s gentle voice wraps around me like a warm blanket, and I go into his outstretched arms instinctively.
“I’m so nervous,” I whisper.
“I know. Listen to me, Willow,” he whispers low so no one can hear his words but me. “Whatever happens today, know that you can handle it. Elementra chose you for a reason, and she does not make mistakes. I know it feels like the weight of this realm is on your shoulders, but you’ll be fine. This will be one of the many battles you’ve already conquered.”
“Gaster, how…”
He puts his hand up to stop me from talking. “I don’t know what you’ve seen, child, and I can’t know, but me and your Nexus know you well enough to recognize that something horrid has been haunting you. Have faith in them, their planning, and most importantly yourself. Everything will be as it should.”
He gives me a kiss on the top of my head then places me back in the center of my guys. His words are just the calming I needed to snap out of the freak-out I was internally having. Of course they could tell I was keeping something awful from them, and instead of pushing me because they knew I couldn’t talk about it, they planned for it on their own.
Talking about my visions is a huge no-no. For the most part, I’ve seen every alternative that could happen if I were to slip up, but them figuring at least some part of it out on their own doesn’t make me feel like we’ve broken some unspoken rule. Instead, it floods me with confidence that I’m one hundred percent going to be able to save Lyker’s life today now.
Giving him a grateful smile, he moves over to each of the guys, giving them all hugs, despite their obvious objections to the notion, aside from Draken. He embraces him fully, picking him up, laughing as Gaster yells at him to put him down this instant.
“I can tell you’re super nervous, but are you at least somewhat excited? Terian’s beautiful, and I hear the pack lands are even more so. I’ve never traveled there because it’s typically not allowed,” Oakly asks as she bounces on her toes next to me.
“I’m nervous and excited. I read that it’s gorgeous, so I can’t wait to see. I just wish the reason for my first time traveling out of the Central was under different circumstances,” I tell her honestly.