“Many shifters have ceremonies of sorts when they bond, both human and animal side. Typically, the males will dominate the female into submission, then bite them. When Willow’s dragon hit me with her mating purr, my dragon didn’t want to fight her. Well, you kinda caught us in the act of what he wanted, then we power shared here in our dragon forms. I had no idea it would be so dramatic, though,” he informs them—well, and me. I didn’t realize my dragon started this; his growl is what turned me on.
“So you two planned this?” Tillman asks, jealousy and hurt leaking through his tone.
“No,” we both shout. Not that I feel bad that this happened, but I don’t want any of them to feel like we planned a whole ceremony and left them out of it.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it sound like this was a bad thing. I’m incredibly happy for you both. I’m just jealous.” He gives Draken’s shoulder a squeeze while pulling me closer, letting us both know he’s completely supportive.
“How do you feel, princess?” Corentin asks, turning my chin toward him.
“Amazing. I thought we were bonded completely, but now that this has happened, I can tell we weren’t completely solidified; a piece was missing and now it’s not.” I beam as Corentin gives me a quick kiss then smiles down at me. I can feel he’s genuinely happy that this happened, and he got to watch. He’s also still a little turned on from catching me and Draken in his office.
I know none of them will say anything about what they saw back in the office now that they know my dragon started this, but that’s fine with me. There’s no need to talk about it when the faces they made as they watched me fall apart on Draken’s dick are seared in my mind. I know they all are A-oh-fucking-kay with it.
I completely forgot that I’m butt-ass naked, so when a gentle breeze blows, causing my robe to open, four groans sound around me, making me bust out laughing as I quickly tuck it back around me.
“I should probably put some clothes on now.” I chuckle as they all look at me with varying degrees of heat, then pull apart.
Draken skips ahead of us in Lalaland, laughing and singing like a kid jacked up on sugar, but his happiness is so contagious, it spreads to all of us.
“Little wanderer is fucking packing. The feeling of her power coursing through me was a rush. I’ve never felt anything like it. I still feel powered to the brim.” He beams, looking over his shoulder at us, his eyes slitted and glowing.
“Damn, Draken. It looks like you got an upgrade. You both did grow to about fifty feet,” Tillman tells him, staring at his eyes in disbelief.
“Oh, I definitely did. I’m fairly sure I could shift into any size I want, small or large. And I’m quite sure my dominance is even stronger than it was.”
“Do you feel like that too?” Corentin asks me.
“Not like he’s describing. I can feel the shift in my power, but I feel more settled. My notes on Primaries said this would happen, though. My emotions will settle more with each bond as well.”
“Well, don’t settle too much, little wanderer. I like you all possessive.”
I shake my head at him, grinning as Corentin steers me toward the house with a hand to my back. Caspian’s walking closely behind me, while Tillman interlaces his fingers with mine, and I figure now would be the best time to test out my block.
As soon as I command my block in place, his entire body tenses and he stops walking, halting my footsteps right along with his. Turning to face him, confusion, anger, hurt, and fear all battle for control, each wanting to take root and take over.
“Tillman,” I whisper, reaching my hand up to cup his cheek.
“Gaster?” he grunts.
“Yes. I won’t keep it up all the time, and I put a separate block on my visions. I’m not doing this to keep you out, Tillman. I’m doing this to keep others out.” I lower my block back and open my mind to him so he can hear, see, look, do whatever he needs to understand this wasn’t about him.
“I’m sorry, Will. I should’ve taught you last night when you asked me to,” he says sincerely.
“Yeah, you should’ve, but it’s okay. I forgive you.” I smirk, watching his face fill with humor as he picks up my mental sass.
“Come on, little warrior. Let’s get you dressed, fed, and back to the academy.”
Ah, fuck me, I forgot we’re in the middle of a class break.
“What are you reading, Primary?”
“Fuck, Caspian.” Me and Oakly shriek and my journal goes flying out of my hand, hitting Gaster’s office floor with a loud slap.