He’s gone.
My vision returns to normal, although disoriented from the tears that are falling down my cheeks. Gaster and Oakly are standing a few feet away, concern written across their faces as they gaze into my sorrow-filled eyes. My heart hurts like I’ve just watched a friend be killed right in front of me, my chest heavy with the knowledge of what I just saw.
“What happened, child?” he asks mournfully.
“What were you planning on teaching us today?” I ask, sniffling, wiping the tears from my face.
“Nothing too strenuous, just some enchantments you may miss from switching classes and ones that will give Oakly a leg up,” he answers with a puzzled look.
“Change of plans,” I declare, passing him the book that’s clutched in my hand. “We have some cures to brew.”
“Are you excited about your first shifter class?” Draken asks as we make our way to the shifter fields.
The fields are on the opposite side of the castle, giving plenty of privacy and seclusion from everyone else. Although the shifters in this class have complete or almost complete control over their animals and shifts, that’s not always the case for the first years, according to Draken and Corentin. Having us away from the student body keeps all non-shifters or lower dominant shifters safe.
“I was a lot more excited this morning before my vision, but I’m trying to stay positive and excited,” I tell him honestly.
I hate the fact that I can’t tell him anything. I was only able to tell him I had one and it wasn’t good. All the details have to stay with me. I did inform him about the Dark poison cures we started working on. They’d take the day to ferment and then they’d be ready to go tomorrow.
Based on the book, I assumed it would take so much longer because the ingredients for the cure are difficult to find, but that was me underestimating Gaster. As soon as I told him I needed them, he transported out of the secret room and returned twenty minutes later with everything we needed. He didn’t tell me how he acquired them so quickly or where he keeps his stash, and I didn’t push like I normally would. I was just thankful he had access to them.
Me and Oakly watched intently as he made the first batch, the precise way he crushed some ingredients, grinded others, and some went in whole. He showed us step by step how to push our magic into the concoction to ensure it turns into the cure. The better the intentions, the better it’ll work.
Now we wait, then vial them up. There’ll be enough for multiple vials for all four of the deadly poisons.
“What can I do, little wanderer?” he asks, looking determined and hopeful, ready to battle this fight for me.
Laying kisses on his hand that’s gripped in mine, I give him a reassuring smile. “Exactly what you’re doing. Just being around you makes it so much better.”
“I can do that. I can be in you too.”
I know by his teasing wink he’s just trying to lighten the mood, but fuck, I’d be willing to take him up on that offer right now.
Walking onto the fields, my eyes appraise the men, the many men, who are dawdling around. Taking a measure of each one of them, it’s impossible to tell what kind of shifter they are from here, but damn, they’re big, all fourteen of them. Not as big as my guys, but still massive compared to me.
“Did you all leave a little detail out about this class, Draken?” I ask, clipped.
“What do you mean?” he questions, obviously not picking up on my unease.
“I’m the only female in this damn class,” I snap.
“Shit, I thought Corentin explained, so I didn’t even think to do so. You’re too strong to be in the other classes, little wanderer. The other shifters would sense your dominance and either cower or flock around you. The academy doesn’t mix very dominant shifters with lower dominant shifters, so this is the highest of high in strength in the academy, and you’re one of them, just the only girl. The rest are lower dominant,” he whispers.
“Fucking hell, Draken. I don’t want shifters to cower, flock, or challenge me. I just want to learn about shifter culture, not assert myself somewhere on the shifter pole,” I complain.
What the hell, Corentin?
“I’m sorry, sweetness, but that is shifter culture. It’s all about strength and dominance. Two things you have plenty of, so there’s nothing to worry about. And I’m here. Nothing’s going to happen.” I don’t get to reply to him or refuse this class before the instructor walks over to where we’re hovering on the side of the field.
“You must be Willow. I’m Vince, Shifter Instructor for the advanced classes. Headmaster Vito informed me this morning you’d be joining us.” He outstretches his hand and I stare at it for a moment before reaching mine out.
The last big-ass, burly instructor I had let me get my ass beat, so I reasonably have unease. Letting my eyes roam over him calculatingly, he’s a couple inches shorter than Draken but still built like a brick wall. He doesn’t give off the dickhead vibes Claven did, more laid back and relaxed, almost lazy-like.
“Thanks for having me. They haven’t done the best job filling me in on what to expect from this class, so bear with me while I catch up.” I shoot a side-eye to Draken, who’s rocking back and forth on his toes.
A genuine laugh falls from Vince’s mouth, easing my tension toward him just a little. “No worries at all. Draken, go on and join the others, get everyone stretching while I get familiar with her strength, then we’ll join you all.”
“Go on. I’ll be fine.” I nod toward the others, sending him some reassurance down our bond. After a quick kiss, he jogs off, looking back at me three times.