“She comes from one of the strongest families in Elementra. If I had to assume, it’d cause huge problems in the higher families, but she did get suspended from E.F. training class. From what I heard, by heard I mean eavesdropped on Ry’s conversation, Corentin will make the final decision on whether she can return or not. That all got put on hold when you know, you passed out and wouldn’t wake up.” She shoots me a teasing side-eye like me and Elementra planned this out together without her.
“Speaking of higher families, did you know I was a damn princess?” I ask in a hushed yell.
“What do you…” Oakly’s eyes bug out of her head as she realizes what I mean. “Oh shit. They’re the Vito Nexus. I didn’t even think about that, Willow. It’s easy to forget who they really are when they just walk around here like this is where they belong. Plus, I’ve kinda just put them in my mind as ‘Willow’s Nexus.’”
She isn’t one to care about social standards or keeping up with the social hierarchy. And from the little she’s talked about her family, they apparently care about it too much, so she avoids it and them as much as possible.
Still, you’d think she’d pay attention to shit like this.
Grabbing my hands, forcing us to jump up and down, she squeals loud as shit. “Oh my Elementra, my best friend is the awaiting Matriarch.”
The what?
“Quiet down, don’t announce it to the world,” I scold. She laughs as she mumbles out a half-assed ‘sorry, your highness.’
“God, don’t call me that. I can’t handle that shit today.” I let out a deep sigh before changing the subject back to the bitch we were talking about. “Would her power be beneficial in any way to the E.F.?”
She cuts her laughter off immediately, staring at me. Her silence is louder than an answer.
“Of course. What’s her gift?”
“Persuasion. You’ve probably never noticed because you’re stronger than she is—thank fuck I am too, and all our guys—but yeah, she has the power to persuade others,” she informs me.
“Someone with that kind of crazy shouldn’t have a gift like that. But damn, it’d be shitty and petty of me to let Corentin kick someone out of the E.F. program if they could help. And unfortunately, that psycho and her gift could help with the Mastery.”
“You’re better than me ’cause I’d say to hell with her. Byeeee.”
Our laughter follows us into Gaster’s office, where he stands from his desk, smiling at us.
“What has you two cackling like that?” He picks as we both give him a hug.
“Willow willing to be the bigger person, all princessly and shit, and isn’t gonna get Gima kicked out the E.F. program.” Oakly summarizes, shooting me a teasing smile.
“What a vile girl. But good for you for doing the right thing, Willow.”
“I never said I was doing the right thing. I have every intention of beating her ass, again, if she keeps this shit up with me. But I know we need numbers and strength, so I can’t jeopardize that out of spite,” I say seriously.
“Well, okay then. Absolutely, do as you must.” Clearing his voice awkwardly, me and Oakly giggle at his uncertainty. “Are you girls ready to see something exciting today?”
“Whatcha got for us, Gaster?” I ask, leaning forward, letting my curiosity take over and forget about all the other shit for a little while.
“A well-kept secret. Only one other person has seen or had access to this. But I believe you two should see it.”
“Where is it?” I ask, hopping up, bouncing on my toes, my curious little heart kicking up a few notches.
We maneuver through the maze of artifacts, stacks of books, and piles of parchment, following Gaster over to his bookshelves that line the back wall of his office. They’re completely full, overflowing rows holding thousands of years of precious knowledge and information.
Immediately, my attention is drawn to a book that obviously sticks out from the rest. Its glossy white spine is stark nestled against the collection of worn black and brown leathers. Even the cream-colored parchments are shades and shades darker.
“Good eye, girls. I see you both have spotted it,” Gaster says.
My intrigue peaks and I reach out to run my finger down the spine, unbeknownst to me that the damn thing was going to shock the shit out of me. The quick zap sends electricity flowing all the way up my arm, causing me to pull my hand back rapidly.
“What the hell, Gaster?”
“Oakly, go ahead. It’s just a small shock. I would’ve warned Willow if her curiosity hadn’t got the best of her so quickly.” He raises his eyebrows, giving me that look that says, see what happens when you touch other people’s stuff.
She has no qualms about sticking her fingers out and taking the shock since she had a warning. Once she pulls her hand back, Gaster places his on the book and a vibration shakes the entire shelf.