“I’m just gonna freshen up and I’ll be out in a second.”
It’s harder than I imagined untangling myself from their embrace. One, they don’t want to let me go and two, I’m quite cozy sandwiched between Corentin and Tillman, but I need a moment of normalcy and routine before I drop a life-changing bomb on their heads.
I get my bearings on wobbly legs, forcing them to allow me to do it on my own, and make my way to the bathroom. It only takes a few minutes to run through my routine and needs, but I linger with my face over the sink and splash some cold water on my heated cheeks.
“It’s going to be okay,” I whisper to myself as I command my air to dry the water away.
“It is. We’ll be here no matter what you tell us.” Jumping, I turn on my heel and come chest to chest with Caspian.
“Shit, you scared me. What are you doing?” I say, trying to catch my breath from the mini heart attack he just gave me.
“They’re hovering and pacing outside your door.”
“So that equals you coming in here instead of hovering and pacing with them?” I ask, lifting an eyebrow at his nonanswer.
“How many times have you snuck around, spying on me?” I snort, shaking my head at the irony. My whole first month here, he accused me of being a spy, when really it was him.
“More times than you want to know.”
The subtle tension in his posture is the only indicator he’s a little worried about how I’ll react to that. The more potent emotion is the heat burning in his eyes. He doesn’t feel bad for watching and he’s memorized the things he’s seen of me from the shadows.
His devious, disarming smirk makes me squirm and shift from side to side. My smile slips from my face as my lips part and the intake of my breath echoes around the bathroom.
“What all have you seen?” I ask low, husky.
I try to convince myself to be pissed that he’s been watching, stalking from the cover of darkness, not just at night to ward away my nightmares. Instead, I imagine him touching himself to the sight of me. How my body and cries of pleasure from Draken or even from myself make him come undone.
Caging me against the bathroom sink with his inked forearms, he leans down and whispers in my ear, “Everything, naughty little Primary.” A small moan slips past my lips as he wraps his shadows around us and deposits me back on the bed.
“Caspian, what are you doing?” Corentin barks as the three of them stop their pacing, realizing I won’t be using the door to leave the bathroom.
“She was swaying a little. Figured I’d give her a hand to the bed.” I cut my eyes to him, about to call him out, when I see the mischievous self-satisfied smile on his face. He’s teasing, like honest to fuck teasing me right now.
“Are you okay?” Tillman asks, reaching me first and pulling me onto his lap.
Clearing my throat, I shoot Caspian a small grin before replying. “Yeah, just hungry. How’s the weather today? I’d like to eat outside if it’s nice. And I’d really love some coffee.”
That’s all I have to say to get them all moving. Well, all but Caspian. He continues to stare at me, surprised I didn’t call him on his shit.
Corentin’s on his communicator in seconds, typing away at the speed of light. Draken’s grabbing my shoes from the closet and Tillman, still holding me, is making his way out my door. I don’t bother telling him to put me down. I know he’d argue, and I’m enjoying the pampering.
As soon as the morning rays touch my face, I lean my head back, letting my hair cascade over his arm, and sigh.
“I never knew I could miss a sound so much. That was the longest two days of my life, Will,” Tillman whispers.
“I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.”
I’ve tried to reassure them the best I can, but what I’m going to share with them is going to change the course of our lives and no doubt be dangerous. I mean, even Elementra referred to the Mastery as a great evil, so they’re obviously dangerous.
Tillman holds me in his lap the entire time I drink my coffee and scarf down my food. It’s delicious as always but is sitting in my stomach like a lead weight and my nerves are starting to get the best of me.
“I don’t know where to start,” I mumble.
“Gaster was able to sense power holding you in your mind. We just don’t know what power or what happened. Start where you want, wherever is easier.” Corentin’s full attention is on me as he speaks gently. It helps ground me, but I’m still struggling with the words, both fearful of telling them and fearful of leaving anything out.
My Memoria stone begins emitting the familiar heat that lets me know there’s something I’m supposed to see, and I blow out a thankful breath, honestly happy about putting this off for just a few more moments.