Before I really can throw up, if that’s even possible to do here, a breeze of air blows through me, eliminating all my anxiety, leaving me calm and alert. Elementra’s power clings to me like a weighted blanket.
“The burden may rest on your shoulders, but you will not shoulder it alone, Willow. Have faith in all that’s to come. Many secrets must unfold.”
“Are they going to accept this? I’m having a hard time accepting you just pulled me into my mind to have a casual conversation about me saving the realm. I’m sure it’ll be hard for them to hear, ‘Hey, guys, so Elementra tells me I’ll be the one to save the realm, so like are you all cool to join me or what?’”
The ground beneath my feet shakes so suddenly some of the leaves fall from the willow tree. I bend to pick one up as they touch the green, but before I can, they’re absorbed and regrown on the branches in a matter of seconds. Another example of how her power is unbelievable, extraordinary, and I swallow hard, rubbing the newly grown leaf between my fingers.
“You’ve given me a gift today, Willow. I haven’t been so entertained in multiple millennia. Amusement isn’t what I typically am left with after a conversation with one of my creations. To answer your question, your Nexus will support you in any and everything. Never fear that. They were made just for you and you for them.”
“I’m glad you find me having an early life crisis amusing.” I let out a deep sigh, closing my eyes. “I know they were. I feel it every moment of the day. I just don’t want to let them down.” Pausing, I take a deep breath. “Please tell me anything else that you can.”
“It’s time for you to go, Ultima unum. Continue the path to find who you are and where you are from. Trust in yourself. Your bonds. Your elements. And your gifts.”
I instantly feel the power shift as Elementra slowly pulls back. Disappointment, anxiety, and not going to lie, a little anger fills me as I slide down the trunk of the willow tree. I try but fail to convince myself that this was all a dream. Despite her laid-back, almost motherly demeanor, I can feel the remnants of her all-powerful, ethereal energy coating my skin and still holding on to my mind.
What the hell am I going to do?
Ever so slowly, I feel myself gaining consciousness. My limbs are stiff, and my mouth is so dry, but I don’t feel sticky or gross like you’d think from lying in bed for two days. Words begin to filter through my mind, and I slow my racing heart and thoughts, forcing myself to focus on who’s speaking. After a second, it clicks.
“I know I’ve been the one to keep the distance between us. I’ve had to. I’ll destroy the beautiful, innocent light that surrounds you. The dark and damaged soul I carry around will pull all the light from within you so I can keep it for myself. I don’t deserve you. I’m not worthy of you. I’ll ruin you. But I’m a selfish man and I won’t let you go. Even if it can only be from the shadows, I’ll follow you from there. I’m not like my brothers. I’m not laid-back, carefree, or playful like Draken. I’m not patient, balanced, or gentle like Tillman. I’m not mindful, selfless, or tender like Corentin.
“I’m what nightmares are made of. I enjoy punishing, maiming, and killing rebellion scum. I promise I’ll never hurt you, but don’t misinterpret that. I’m a monster through and through. I just won’t be a monster to you. I’ll try to give you whatever I can of myself, whatever you’ll accept. It’ll take me time, but I’ll learn. I’ll try to keep my darkness from tainting you as best as I can, sweet Willow.”
Pressure builds behind my eyes as I listen to his confession, his promise. This is his truth to me. Peeling my eyes open so I can see him, he’s perched on the side of my bed, staring at the wall as his shadows surround me. Commanding my limbs to work, I reach my hand out and lay it on his.
“I’ll always chase your darkness away.” My voice is raspy from two days of no use, but my message is clear, and he hears me.
He slowly reaches both of his hands out and cups my cheeks. The feel of his skin on mine is electrifying. The first sensation is a gentle coolness like a refreshing breeze on a hot summer day. It travels down my neck and throughout the rest of my body, sending shivers cascading through me. Each ripple of connection seems to awaken dormant senses.
As his touch lingers, I feel subtle changes taking place in me. My mouth’s no longer dry, my throat is slick and no longer scratchy, my eyes aren’t burning from the onslaught of the light when I first opened them, and I feel refreshed.
He’s hydrating me. He’s pushing his water element into me.
I cup my hands over his and hold his gaze. There’s such relief and concern. Hesitantly, vulnerability etched across his features, he slowly leans down and lays his lips to mine.
It’s so intimate, a softness I’d never expect from him. It’s an intense gentleness that speaks of the fear he’s had, and not just the fear of the past two days, the fear he’s felt about getting close to someone since he was kidnapped. The kiss holds a delicate mixture of weightlessness and the weight of the challenges he’s faced to get to this point with me.
Ever so slowly, he breaks the kiss and looks down at me.
“I’ll stand in your light, little Primary.”
“And I’ll meet you in the darkness, Cas.”
An unseen knot that’s been holding my bond back from him slowly uncoils itself, still a little crinkled in some spots, but the knot’s no longer stopping the flow of my feelings for him.
He sits back up, keeping his shadows wrapped around me, and his hand holds mine tightly like he’s afraid at any moment I’ll slip away from him. But I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
“Where are the others?” I ask.
“I told them to go clean themselves up. They’ve refused to leave this room.” His face is comical, scrunched up like he can still smell them.
It’s a childlike look that I’ve never seen on him, and I can’t help but laugh. “I was told.”