Page 30 of Gift from the Stone

“Move, get out of my way. Where is she?” The Perfecta Anima busts through my Primary’s room, her Nexus hot on her heels. “Willow. What happened?” she asks, shoving past me to get to her.

“We aren’t sure. Another element and a gift emerged. So we don’t know if it’s exhaustion or something else,” Corentin informs her as he takes Jamie’s outstretched hand.

“What element? What’s her gift?” she cries out, leaning over Willow, moving her hair from her face, cupping her cheeks.

“How about I check her over, babe? They can explain while I do that,” Jamie says gently as he moves Oakly.

“A fire element and she’s a dragon,” I reply, clipped, not comfortable with all these damn people in here. This is her private space, where she can come and be her authentic self. Where I can come, let my own fears fall away, and watch over her.

“Holy shit. That’s three out of the four and the rarest shifter known.” Oakly gasps, ignoring my bad mood completely.

“Are you done?” I snap as Jamie pulls his hand back from my Primary’s forehead.

“Yeah, I—”

“Everyone out. To the lounge. We’ll talk about it in there. Gaster—”

“I’ll stay with her, Caspian. You all can fill me in,” the old man answers my unfinished question, no doubt sensing the rising tension not only in me, but I can see Draken restraining himself from growling every time one of the other men in the room gets near her things. Tillman and Corentin are playing it cool for the sake of their friendship, but I don’t give a shit.

They’re fine and all, but they’re not my Nexus. She isn’t my Primary. My little Primary is lying on her bed, unmoving, not sassing anyone, not making Draken laugh, not making Corentin softer, not making Tillman gentle, and she’s not here to brighten my darkness.

She’s just not fucking here.

Wading through the shadows, I pause before stepping out into the lounge. My concern’s coming out as a simmering rage, with nowhere to boil over, no one to blame, and no one to punish. I wait until everyone’s in there before I step out and lean against the wall.

“Did you find anything?” Tillman asks Jamie as soon as everyone sits.

“I could sense her exhaustion, but that’s it. It’s not draining enough that she shouldn’t wake up soon. She doesn’t have any injuries. Nothing’s damaged in her mind. She’s perfectly healthy.”

Fucking idiot scientist.

“So what the hell do we do?” I ask.

“Even though you all aren’t bonded, being near her will help, skin contact, talk to her. Treat it as if she were burned out and needs you to recharge. I’m sorry I don’t have anything more, but there’s nothing for me to heal, and other than this deep sleep, she’s one hundred percent okay. If she isn’t awake in twelve hours, I’ll come back and check over her again. We’ll figure it out.” He stands, pulling Oakly up with him. “Come on, we need to get back to the academy.”

“I need to tell her bye,” the Perfecta Anima cries.

“I’ll take you. We’ll meet the rest of you out back,” Jamie says to the rest of their Nexus, giving me a small nod.

Guess he isn’t that big of an idiot.

Regardless, I step back into the shadows, following them to her room while Tillman, Corentin, and Draken walk the others out. Draken tried to argue, but Corentin told him to give Oakly a moment, that she was hurting too.

Yeah, they’d get no such courtesy from me. The time I spent away from her so far would be the only time spent out of her room until she opens those silver eyes that drive me fucking mad.

“I’m having trouble sensing her. I should sense her fine being so close. Why can’t I feel her, Gaster?” Oakly bursts into tears, hugging Gaster.

“Something’s blocking her bonds right now. There’s an immense power keeping her asleep. They’re letting me get a small read on their magic, only enough to let me know they’re there. I assume the only ones who can feel her right now is her Nexus, and I have no doubt that’s purposeful, keeping them from being destructive.”

That’s news to me. He must’ve been continuing to try to get through to her while we were out.

“So you think she’ll be okay? She’ll pull out of this, right?”

“Yes, there’s no doubt in my mind. Willow’s strong far beyond her own belief.” He gives Oakly a reassuring squeeze, stepping back and letting her say her goodbyes.

“Come on out, Caspian.” Gaster doesn’t even turn around to acknowledge me as the two of them leave the room.

“You knew I was here the whole time.”