Page 187 of Gift from the Stone

They’re not on the way yet. There’s more I have to endure before that time comes.

“Yes. But I will be here, guiding you.”

There’s no other option currently but to just accept this. I’ve had to do it my entire life. Just accept things I have no control over. Right now, it seems my choices are to lie down, cry over it, and give up. Or cry over it then do what I have to do in order to survive.

It’s not much of a choice. I’ve always chosen to survive. I may bawl my eyes out, but I always fix my face and stand back up.

“What do I need to do?” I ask.

“The drug they gave you is an immobilizing tonic. It’s intentions are to cut off all bodily functions, including your gifts and elements. Even the half dose they gave you can last an entire day. But they have no idea of the fire flaring in your chest. You need to call upon it. Command it to burn through your blood. Your dragon’s fire has many, many more properties and abilities than just how hot it burns. The strength of their tonic is no match to the magic that’s in the ancient flame.”

Their words spark what Gaster said to me about how Codi’s sleeper gift wouldn’t work on me because my dragon would burn through it. And how it’s easier for my dragon to sniff out wards and enchantments.

My dragon purrs and sends the impression that there’s so much more that’s possible, but she doesn’t send anything else to show me what or how to access it. It feels as if she’s aware that it’s true, but it’s something we have to figure out on our own, together.

Taking a deep breath, I seek inside my chest where my elements lie, bypassing my bonds completely although I want more than anything to reach out to them, embrace their comfort and love.

All three of my elements attempt to respond, but they’re sluggish. Their capabilities are being weighed down by the pressure of the drug.

Focusing all my mental strength on my fire, I call it forth, mingling and mixing it with the gift of my dragon. Commanding it through my veins, ordering it to burn away the drugs and I sigh when my stiff bones seem to unthaw.

The moment the last of the drug burns away, my other two elements burst free without my say-so. My earth immediately crumbles the stone around my hands and feet. The sudden shift sends blood rushing back to the extremities, and they tingle painfully.

My air merges with my fire, creating a blast of heat that warms my cold skin. My lungs expand, and I take what feels like the deepest and longest inhale.

“Good, Willow. Stretch your limbs for a second, but you cannot wait long. You must restrain yourself back. Once the feeling returns, reapply the stone. They can’t know you have more than an air element,” CC orders.

My earth withers in my chest. The last thing I or it wants to do is encase myself back in those stone contraptions, but I know we have no choice. Flexing my feet, I turn my ankles and hands in a circle, over and over, forcing the numbness away.

As all the feeling returns, I sorrowfully command my earth back out. Starting at my feet, I picture those stupid fucking shoes forming. All I can think about is bashing Gish upside his smug face over and over with the shoe. It’s a sick thing to get satisfaction from, but the thought of smashing his head in with them sends a very calm, almost giddy feeling through me.

Caspian and Draken are rubbing off on me.

That thought sends a pang through my chest. I want to feel them.

“Don’t, Willow. It will only distract you.”

“Would I be able to feel them from wherever I am?” I ask.

“Yes, and the emotions you will find will not help. It’s not the time to reach out to them. Encase your hands now, Willow. They’re coming,” they order frantically.

Despite wanting to disobey what they just told me, I listen instead of reaching out for my men. Encasing my hands back into the stone blocks, I lay myself down where I was with my eyes closed and wait.

“Now what?”

“They are going to assume a little of the drug has worn off by now, so they will expect you to be able to move, but not fully. So you pretend. Don’t reveal anything to them. And stay calm, Willow. I know your instinct is going to be to fight, but don’t.”

I’ve done pretty well so far fighting off that instinct if I do say so myself. I may not know what I’m here for just yet, but I do know I have to put up with this shit long enough to find out.

“I’ve been—”

My thought is cut off when the door is slung open, and Gish stands there, lording in the entryway like I’m the biggest inconvenience in the world to him.

“Not dead, I see.”

“Still a fuckface, I see.” My voice is hoarse and raspy, but I’m happy to find it working again. Although I probably should’ve watched my mouth.

He sneers, stomping over to me and snatching me up by my scalp.