“What? No. Why would I—”
“Oakly, you’re the strongest fucking tracker I know. Well, the only tracker I know, but I’m pretty sure you’re the strongest tracker in Elementra. If they take you, we’ll have no way of finding you. If they take…anyone else, you’ll be able to find them,” I tell her.
“Willow, what do you—”
“Stop asking questions, Oakly, and do as I say, damn it,” I yell, shaking her a little as I lose what little composure I have left. I can feel the tears starting to burn my eyes.
My vision. My stupid fucking vision.
I had no clue it would happen this soon. I’m not ready. I’m not prepared. This is about as far into the planning process I reached the first time I saw it, then again yesterday, I saw what had to happen, what I’m supposed to say and do, but not what happens afterward.
“Okay, okay. Go to the secret room and stay there until Gaster comes to get me,” she whispers.
“Yes. Do not leave that room for any reason until he’s there. Swear it to me, Oakly,” I demand.
“I swear,” she says, pulling me in close for a hug. “I don’t know what you’ve seen or what you’re about to do, but I love you. I know you’ll save him and everything will be okay.”
“I love you too. Go, Oakly.”
I can’t bring myself to look at her. My chest is already splitting open with guilt and fear. If I look her in the eyes, it’ll be my undoing.
I feel her transport out and release my shaky breath, eyes still locked onto the floor. Then I check on my bond once more. Corentin and Tillman I can tell are fighting. Fighting fucking ruthlessly by the deadly feelings they have throbbing through them, but Draken and Caspian aren’t. Caspian is bored, and Draken is cheery, as always.
Why aren’t they here yet?
Locking everything within myself back up, I shake my body out, wrapping my hand around my necklace, knowing I can’t wait any longer. There’s no putting off what’s about to happen. Now or never.
As soon as I see the spell is active, I take a shaky breath and latch on to the bracelet around my wrist, staring at it, begging for it to give me strength.
“Conceal my possession from curious eyes. Only to me, you reveal its disguise.”
Turning my wrist around, I observe the disoriented outline of my beautiful gift. With the nerves coursing through me, I can’t help the tremors in my hands, but still… I ball my fist, lift my head and pull my shoulders back. Counting back from five, I gather all the courage I have and on one, I sling the command door open.
My command ricochets off the walls, its power slicing through the air like a sword. Any Mastery here who’s a shifter does just as the order demands, and those who aren’t, turn their heads, searching for the source of shift in energy.
“Well, well, just the woman we’ve come to collect. Willow, correct?” asks a fucking monster of a man as he steps through the parting crowd of Mastery members. He’s absolutely huge, bigger than Tillman.
I gulp and hold in my flinch as he drags along a barely conscious Ry by his hair. I know it’s him although his face is bloodied and beaten to the point it’s barely recognizable. It’s his clothes. His uniform matches Tillman’s almost to a T.
“And who the hell are you?” I ask boredly, calling on my inner Caspian.
“Master Gish, at your disservice,” he says with a condescending-ass bow.
Sneering at his little show, I peer out of my peripheral where I see some of the Mastery members getting into position to surround me. I know they plan to ambush me, capture me, and take me with them, but I can’t let them take anyone else.
“If anyone takes one more step toward me, I’ll transport out and you won’t find me. You’ll have to go back empty-handed and explain that to whoever ordered you to come collect me,” I bite out as they continue to approach me.
“Stupid girl, if you think you can—”
Calling forth my air, I send all the Mastery members closing in on me flying into the walls, and I hold them there. My arms tremble with the effort it’s taking to hold them in place while they all try to fight off my element with their own, but I don’t relent. I let my anger fuel me. Power me.
“I won’t repeat myself again. One more fucking step,” I growl, holding Master asshole’s gaze, daring him to try me.
All the members who are around him and in my line of sight pause their steps, looking at him for direction.