“Yep, just trying to finish this off,” I say, taking another large piping hot gulp.
“Here,” Tillman says, sliding another beautiful purple travel mug over to Corentin.
I swoon a little when Corentin hands it to me and I see the engraved silver dragon across the side. It’s stunning and an exact replica of mine.
“Tillman, it’s perfect. Thank you.” I gush.
A smile lights his face, followed by the sweetest and most endearing emotions fluttering down our bond that has pressure building behind my eyes. I never would’ve thought I could feel so loved and cherished. They don’t even have to say the words. I feel it constantly in my chest, a silent but powerful reminder, every day.
Surrounding me, we make our way out of the breakfast room and to the lawn. Draken’s gripping one hand, Corentin the other, and Tillman stands in front of me, pushing my back against Caspian, whose shadows are swirling around both of my wrists. I feel like I’m cocooned in the realm’s safest barrier.
Fuck me, nothing compares to this.
Stepping out of the transport into the training gym, it’s packed with familiar and unfamiliar faces. As Tillman steers us over to a group that’s standing around with bags in their hands and around their feet, I instantly recognize eight of them from the palace team that came with us to Terravile and when we rescued Tillman and Caspian.
“Sir,” they all echo as Tillman steps up to them.
I swear I hold my breath as all twenty-something of them turn to me and slightly bow their heads then focus their attention back to Tillman. My entire body tenses and I want badly to take a step back, but Corentin’s and Draken’s fingers are still intertwined with mine and Caspian’s pressing in so closely to me, I can’t.
“Why the hell did they just bow to me?”
I shout in my mind and Tillman’s lip kicks up a smidge, quicker than anyone could’ve caught other than me since I’m staring holes in the side of his face.
“Gentlemen, welcome to your new assignment. I’ve already been working with some of you, so you know what this means. For those of you who haven’t been working with the academy, congratulations. You’re now on the front lines of fighting the rebels. You’ll find my second-in-command out on the training fields and his Nexus brother Nikoli will be showing you to your new homes. Be back in thirty for a full brief. Dismissed,” Tillman orders.
As soon as the last of them is out of earshot, I turn to face him fully, perching my hands on my hips.
“I’ve already explained, Will. I told you what it would mean to be my Primary. We may be trying to keep it from the realm, but some of those men have seen you with us already. They’ve seen you in battle. They’ll show you the respect you deserve,” he says casually, like that’s explanation enough.
“I haven’t done much of anything to earn their respect,” I argue.
“Wrong, Primary. So fucking wrong. Not only did you accompany Corentin and Draken to save our asses, but it was also only because of you I survived. Then you saved Tillman’s, Kian’s, and Lyker’s lives and helped take down an entire pack of Mastery filth. All on the same day. They witnessed that. They witnessed your strength and power. Stop viewing yourself as less than. You’re a fucking goddess. Own it.”
Caspian’s tone is harsh, like he’s personally offended I’d dare doubt the things I’ve done and the things I’m capable of.
“It’s not that, and the things I’ve done were out of necessity. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice,” I argue.
“That’s not completely true either, princess. You did have a choice, and you chose for them not to die. Don’t undermine the weight of your decisions and how truly amazing you’ve been,” Corentin tags on, teaming up on me with the other two.
I search out Draken for some backup. It’s not that I don’t believe their words, because I do. I know they feel this way wholeheartedly, but it’s…
“I know it’s awkward, little wanderer. Right now, they’re ganging up on you because they think you’re doubting yourself, but you’re not doubting yourself, you’re just uncomfortable. Tell them that,” he says confidently, loudly.
I snort and lower my head to hide the flaming red shade it’s turning. Fuck, he’s so sweet and so in tune with me, but damn, sometimes he doesn’t know when it’s appropriate to say things.
“Is that true, Primary?” Caspian asks, tilting my head up.
“Yeah… I mean, I do still struggle with accepting what I’m capable of sometimes, but it’s really unnerving to have other people, strangers, show me that kind of attention. They just bowed their heads… Then all of you hitting me with compliments… I’m not quite sure how to act,” I admit, shifting my feet.
“Get used to it, Primary. You’re a fucking force of nature. They should respect you. They will respect you.” His dark emphasis on will causes my body to break out into goose bumps. I already know he doesn’t take anyone disrespecting me very well, so the threat’s clear.
“Okay,” I say quietly.
It’s getting easier to accept and acknowledge their compliments, but it’s more so the sweet or sexual ones. The ones where they boost my ego by telling me how beautiful or perfect I am. These where they bring attention to my gifts or elements will take a little more time to get used to.
“I’m not spending my last morning of break working out. I think not, thank you very much.” Me and the guys turn as one to the sound of Oakly’s sass.